It has begun

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It was morning, Bonnie was watching TV until Sky walked down and seemed very stressed and confused the Bunny decided to ask what's wrong and the answer was interesting to say the least.

Sky: I have the rest of the week off, and it's so weird.

Bonnie: You just got back to the Plex, why are you off again?

Sky: I don't know, that's the problem.

Bonnie: Gotcha, so how are these beauties?

Sky: Haha, They are beautiful.

Bonnie: Well, what's the plan?

Sky: Sneaking in.

Bonnie: Sneaking in or staying after dark?

Sky: Yeah the second one.

Bonnie: Thought so.

Sky: Where are you going?

Bonnie: Getting some things for tonight.

Sky: Alright.

A few hours passed until it was time to leave, Sky got information from Freddy he mentally prepares himself from what will come and dark secrets he may find. His heart was set on figuring everything out and discover the voice that tormented him, he turned to the Bunny and gave an order.

Sky: Let's go.

Bonnie: What's up?

Sky: I think it's started.

Bonnie: What?

Sky: I'm the security guard but I'm not allowed entry.

Bonnie: I see, so it's time?

Sky: Double check while I contact Jay.

Jay: Sup.

Sky: You working in my plex?

Jay: How'd you know?

Sky: You forget my boyfriends.

Jay: Freddy says you want to enter.

Sky: Yeah, I'm coming in tonight, no matter what.

Jay: Alright fine I'll allow you entry.

Sky: Good.

Bonnie: I'm dressed.

Sky: Let's go.

Freddy: I hope Sky is ok, more importantly I have been glitching lately.

Jay: Hey.

Sky: No worries, take me to you're office I'm gonna change there and camp out for the night.

Vanessa: Sky, why are you here today?

Sky: Don't worry, I work today right Jay?

Jay: Yep, I sent a email and he is working.

Vanessa: Whatever. Don't get in my way.

Sky: Right.

Monty: Sky!! Honey Dew. I missed you.

Sky: Me too Gummy.

Monty: Bonnie.

Bonnie: Quiet!

Monty: Sorry.

Sky: I'm done running away Monty.

Monty: You mean.

Sky: I will find the truth. I have to know what's going on.

Monty: Please be careful, I don't want to lose you.

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