The new and improved

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Sky: Hey! I'm here!

???: Finally!!

Sky: Yeah, Sorry. How is he?

???: We just finished testing all of his functions.

Sky: Thanks so much Tyler.

Tyler: It's cool. Roy's in the garage trying to finish up on the latest creation you mentioned.

Sky: Yeah, that... Should I wait or go in?

Tyler: Hold on. Close you're eyes.

Roy: Ok, here we go? Now, ya ready.

???: Is he here?

Tyler: Close you're eyes. We'll take you there.

???: Fine.

Roy: Alright.

Tyler: Now, open them.

Sky: Wow!! He looks amazing!!!

???: It's you!!! Finally I get to meet you in person!!

Sky: It's nice to meet you Bonnie.

Bonnie: Thank you Sky!

Tyler: This is Glamrock Bonnie.

Sky: He looks amazing.

Tyler: Of course, a tech genius and an amazing mechanic are the perfect duo.

Bonnie: Yeah, so how are you?

Sky: I'm good. I just have to take a week off from work.

Bonnie: Why?

Sky: It's nothing to worry about.

Bonnie: Sorry, but you seem distressed.

Sky: We can talk about that later. Tell me about you!

Bonnie: Easy, I'm Bonnie, the face of Bonnie Bowl, come take a break of playing, in our ice cream parlor, and watch me perform live in the parlor while you eat.

Sky: Haha, Yep that's a Fazbear introduction.

Bonnie: Trust me, I'm a very special performer.

Sky: I bet you are.

Roy: Bonnie why don't you show him what you can do.

Bonnie: Right. Watch this.

Sky: High jumps.

Bonnie: I'm a Bunny after all.

Tyler: Why don't you also explain some functionality's

Bonnie: I can perform, work with bowling machines that set up the pins. I play bass, serve pizza, and cake. I play with kids, I sometimes serve ice cream...

Tyler: Alright, I mean the functions that you gained now.

Bonnie: My bad.

Sky: You gained now?

Bonnie: I'm programmed to follow you, and work with you. I only listen to you're voice, also due to hacking into Fazbear, I know a lot about you.

Sky: Is that ok?

Tyler: He was made from there, he probably still has access.

Bonnie: My body is built like the blue prints of the others and memories of the animatronics. I have fake fur, long fluffy ears, and a cotton tail. Finally I have systems for the adult needs which are based on the blue prints.

Sky: Adult needs!?

Roy: What? I know you ain't gonna have nobody around, why not make him good in that department.

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