Good fun

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Monty puts a thumb in Freddy's mouth as he feels the bear's saliva begin to cover it with half lidded eyes full of lust, seeing this gave him enough signals to push in the tight hole, and hear the sounds of his prey begging for him to continue. Moving in a slow pace, not giving him much time to adjust to the intrusion. While struggling to even give a single response, he eventually got impatient, and decided to take control of the situation as he flips themselves giving a smirk to the now pinned Gator as he moves slowly, teasing him for a bit of revenge but, mostly for fun.

Monty: Freddy please, go faster.

Freddy: Sorry, but I have been waiting for a change of pace for a while now. I didn't get mine, so I will make you wait, like a good boy.

Monty: W-whatever.

His response was nonchalant but the blush gave way to his true feelings as he bounced slowly, making Monty moan, and groan to the one on top. Hearing this made Freddy give a smug smile as he continued the slow pace, while touching himself with the rhythm of their movements giving them both pleasure that they missed for a longtime.

It was a slow, but sensual display of want and need, as Freddy teased him with the slow movements while stroking himself, the sight was causing Monty to drool and his impatience was at it's breaking point. He flipped themselves again as he pounds the soft mounds of the Bear making him moan out in pleasure.

Monty: There's some good pipes huh? I can't wait to hear the final verse.

Freddy: Fuck me... faster.

Monty: Sorry but, I have one last thing I want to do.

He stops to kiss him, a lot of lust filled desire to finally be together again as he slobbers all over his mouth mixing their saliva as Freddy gave in and decided to let him have his victory. Monty pulls away with a string of saliva on his tongue, his member shook in the Bear knowing he will release soon he wanted to make him cum first and he knew how.

He leaves the Bear's entrance and sucks on his dick giving him waves of pleasure he hasn't felt yet as he moaned his name in ecstasy. One hand was on his leg as he gave Freddy a blowjob, swirling his reptile tongue all over his member, causing him to almost yell but, he grabbed a pillow to cover his mouth.

Freddy: Monty~ S-Slow d-down. I can't hold it... Aah~ much longer.

He released his member with a sly grin, and his hand firmly holding his cock in a sign of dominance as he chuckles to himself, knowing he has him beat. He looked at his eyes, and saw how much desire he had for him to continue as he waited for him to beg to cum but, then he had a nasty idea.

Monty: I know what will make you be more of a slut than you already are.

Freddy: W-What?

He pulls out a cellphone as he tap to record, he begins filming the scene of this interaction giving Freddy some worries as Monty tried to calm him down by saying it's fine. The fear still plastered on his face made the Gator annoyed as his progress was lost for the both of them causing him to groan in annoyance, then he had figured out the words to break him.

Monty: I wonder how Sky will feel, when he realizes this is what you are in bed.

Freddy: H-He's not meant to be involved.

Monty: Oh really, you got a blush and I see how you get around him. So let's give him a show.

Freddy: W-Wha... Ah!

Monty quickly returns to give Freddy his blowjob with the camera set up for a side view of the two as the Bear began to moan the Gator's name without a single thought. It was slow at first making him starve for more as he eventually yelled to speed up and he did just as he commanded quickly deepthroating his shaft as moans were faster with short pants to boot, he felt the member twitch and pulled it out of his mouth as he grabbed the camera and put his thumb back in his mouth as Freddy pleaded for more in whines.

Bear, Gator, and GuardWhere stories live. Discover now