Costume ideas

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A few hours after Monty's victory they all go to the location where the float is, and begin to look for decorations left by Fazbear, with them getting a bit frustrated about not being labeled. Thankfully Roxy found the multiple boxes of decorations to use on the float, so they all start decorating and taking out boxes.

Vanessa: Ok Sky, get that box please.

Sky: Sure. Here we go. Ah! Right, wounds.

Freddy: I'll take it, don't worry

Sky: Thank you.

Vanessa: Sky get the box to your left.

Sky: Um, on it.

Monty: I got it, relax.

Vanessa: Sky!! Why aren't you working!?

Sky: I have...

Vanessa: Look, if you aren't going to do anything, leave.

Sky: Fine... I'll go.

Monty: I'll go.

Freddy: Ok, make sure he doesn't walk on the road!

Monty Hey, don't listen to her.

Sky: No, I'm useless. I can't even push a box without hurting myself.

Monty: Hey, it's not you're fault. I'm sorry ok.

Sky: Listen, this has nothing to do with you anymore.

Monty: Yes it does!! I hurt you again! I'm the reason it's taking more time for you to heal. I'm the one who caused all this.

Sky: Listen to me, I was more terrified of my life! I was not angry at you. In that moment, my body being limp was all that was in my mind.

Monty: I'm sorry. I should have asked how you felt about it.

Sky: I'm alive, so let's focus on that.

Monty: Yeah, yeah. Come on, let's get to decorating.

Sky: Right.

Monty being careful places Sky on his shoulders, to then help decorate, the two work together to cover most of the float with branding of Freddy Fazbear and his crew. Freddy needing help takes the Guard on his own shoulders to decorate as they finish they're sides. Vanessa not being amused of him taking an easier job decides to lecture him after demanding him to get down.

Vanessa: Get down, now.

Freddy: Officer Vanessa, please don't worry he's helping.

Vanessa: That's not the problem.

Monty: Listen here! He's doing his job, even though you said to leave. You yell at him to lift boxes when everyone here knows he's injured!! Finally, you have the audacity to order him around like an underpaid worker when he's done most of the work since he found songs to play and designed costumes. So stop being a bossy bitch and show some respect!

Freddy: Monty!! That was not the correct language to use on our officers.

Vanessa: Monty, I will get you rebooted if you talk to me that way.

Sky: Stop it please, I don't want more arguing right now. Let's just finish this.

Freddy: Let's go, we decorated the bottom part.

Monty: Fine! I can't stand here with her anymore.

Vanessa: What have I done? I just harassed an injured worker.

Jay: Hey, maybe you should apologize.

Vanessa: Yeah, I really should.

Freddy: There's a cafe nearby, let's eat before returning to the bus.

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