𝐶𝐻𝐴𝑃𝑇𝐸𝑅 𝐼 {𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝙶𝚒𝚛𝚕}

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October, 1984.
Steve POV
I sit in class bored completely sick of school even though it's only first period. Then again History is the most boring class EVER.
The class room door opens and the Principal walks in with a girl our age, I've never seen her before. She's pretty good looking.
"Sorry to interrupt your class but I would like to introduce our new student. Please tell the class your name and some things about yourself." He says.
"Um my names Y/n-
Almost the whole class leans back in shock, her voice is weird.
"Jesus none of you ever heard an Australian talk before?" She says annoyed. "Anyway my names Y/n and I'm not gonna tell you anything about myself because if you really care to know then you'd ask." She smiles sarcastically.
"Uh yeah I got a question." Tommy H yells out. "Do Australians actually ride kangaroos?"
Y/n's face goes from annoyed to 'what the fuck is wrong with you guys?'
"Okay thanks for that Tommy, I'm sure she can answer that question later. Y/n please take a seat." The principal instructs her.
"Yeah okay." She nods then walks to a seat which is at the back of the classroom, two seats behind me.

Jesus did Americans actually think that? I had gotten asked so many stupid questions in school today like.
"So is Australia real?" It obviously is.
"How hot is it?" In summer it's hot in winter it's cold.
"Why don't you have a basic Australian name like Shannon?" (Extremely sry if ur name is Shannon, ur name is not basic it's just the first name that came to mind.) I've never met a single Shannon.
"Do you surf every day?" I like to surf but it depends if the surf is good or not.
"Is the accent fake?" How do you people even come up with these things?
"Do you tan well?" No. I don't.
"Are there hot boys in Australia?" No. Their just idiots like every other normal teenage boys.
I could go on forever too many dumb questions, I couldn't stand being asked another one.
"Hey Australia wait up!"
"I have a name!" I yell back at the boy who was talking to me, it was Tommy. I kinda got forced to hang out with Carol today and they're dating so yeah. It was the end of the day so I was walking towards the doors to get out of this horrible place.
"Right sorry. Y/n."
"What's up Tommy?" I ask him but I'm distracted by a guy and a girl full on making out in the hallway. Tommy laughs probably at my expression of disgust.
"Does that not happen in Australia?"
"No it does just not like that, they don't suck each other's faces off they kiss each other."
Tommy laughs again. "Anyway back to what I was gonna say before was are you going to Tina's Halloween party tomorrow night?" He asks it right on cue as we get handed invitations.
"Guess I am." I smile.
"Cool, see you tomorrow." He says and suddenly he's gone.

I was walking home, I didn't like driving. I crashed a car once, it almost killed me so I choose not to drive when I can.
"How was school?" My mum asks from the couch as I walk into our new house. It was massive, my mum was filthy rich so she could basically do almost whatever she wanted.
"Yeah it okay I guess. There was a lot if stupid questions about Australia. I think I have some friends but I don't know if I like them or not."
"That's nice. I want you to do more unpacking okay? Your rooms full of boxes and empty of colour. Get to work!" She yells after me as I walk up the stairs to my bedroom.
"Yep." I say even though I know I probably won't.

I throw my bag to the side then look at the boxes trying to decide which one to unpack.
Letters and photos.
That box is full of my letters from my dad and my best friend Harry and photos of all of us. I had moved away from dad a long time ago but never to a new country. My dad wrote me letters as often as he could. My best friend Harry is more like my older brother, he's 24 and I'm 18. We have been friends since I was 12. He was taller than me but not too tall, he had kind of long hair and hazel eyes.
I decided to unpack that box at least I would get to remember things while doing it.

I finally finished unpacking that box, my walls are now filled with letters and colourful photos of me and Harry being idiots. I was ready to sleep.
I missed my dad and him but they told me a new start is good even if it is very far away, I lent my head out my window to get some fresh air. A tall boy with brown hair walked past, he looked at me and gave me a stupid wave. I flipped him off in return then shut my window going to bed.

First chapter! Hope you liked it! Aldo sry for giving Harry such a common name I just couldn't think of another name so yeah sry if u know a Harry. I do. He's my only male friend that's y I called the character Harry 😭
Pls vote :)

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