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March, 1986
"You know who pauses fast times at 53 minutes 5 seconds?" Steve asks Robin, we were in the car driving Robin to band practice. Steve was driving, Robin was in the passenger seat and I was in the back. "Someone who likes boobies Robin!" Steve says after Robin doesn't respond.
"Don't say boobies!" Robin cringes.
"It's not a big deal okay? I like boobies. You like boobies. Y/n has amazing boobies-
"Thanks Steve." I laugh.
"Vickie likes boobies!", Robin rolls her eyes. I had ended up telling them that I heard their whole bathroom conversation which they did really care about so that was good I guess. "It's just boobies!"

Time skip

"Hey do you wanna play D&D with Dustin, Mike and that Munson freak?" Steve asks me as he leans away from the phone. Him, Robin and I all got jobs at the video store.
"Fuck no! Do I look like the type of person to throw a dice around and do drugs after?"
"Yeah that's what I thought." Steve goes back to talking to Dustin on the phone. "Sorry buddy she said no in a very aggressive way." Steve then hangs up.
"Wanna go a date this afternoon?" He asks randomly.
"Really!? Where?" I ask excitedly. "We haven't been on a date in agesss!"
"The championship game?"
"Fuck you Steve. You had me excited."
"So you wanna go?"
"Of course I do." I roll my eyes and kiss him on the cheek. "What do you even wear to something like that?"
"I dunno just not a sparkly stripper dress." Steve shrugs.
"Kay I'll wear that." He gives me a 'are you fucking serious?' (Remus is. Iykyk) sort of look then I burst out laughing. "I'm kidding, I'll wear one of your shirts and a pair of jeans." I nod.
"Hm okay. But why one of MY shirts?" Steve asks leaning on the counter.
"Because you're shirts are sooooooooo much better than mine." I smile at him.
"Are you saying I have better fashion sense than you? Oh you are! Thank you thank you!" We both laugh and he ruffles up my hair.

"Steve! Steve!" I call out to him, we were back at his house getting ready for the championship game.
"Yeah?" He says sitting on the bed.
"Okay, which shirt? This one?" I hold up a shirt with blue and yellow thick strips. "Or this one." I hold up a shirt with thin red, orange and yellow strips.
"First of all, they're both mine. Second of all neither."
"What? You want me to just walk in there in a bra and jeans."
"No...." He reaches into his wardrobe and pulls out a shirt I haven't seen before. "Happy birthday!" He throws it at me, my birthday was months ago.
"Ooo I like it! But my birthday was months ago....."
"Yeah I know but I forgot to give it to you." He shrugs.
"You forgot to give me a birthday present?" I laugh.
"You're adorable." I lean in and kiss him, he kisses me back.
"Okay go and get dressed." He says pulling away.

(You can imagine the shirt however you want it to look.)
I ended up wearing the shirt Steve got me with a pair of loose denim jeans.
"You look good." Steve whispers to me, putting his arm around my waist as we walk into the hall basketball place.
"Thank you Stevie." He laughs then we walk up the stairs to our seats. "So what's the point of us being here?" I ask him.
"To watch an amazing sport. Plus I'll take you out to the cupcake shop after." He smiles at me.
"Yes! Thank you."
"Also Lucas plays."
"God I haven't seen Lucas in forever." I say kind of upset, the group of kids isn't as close anymore which is sad.
"We can see him before we leave." Steve says.
"Really? Thank you." I loved Lucas like he was my kid just like how Steve loved Dustin so I was excited to see him.

The game drags on. Our team scores the other team scores so on and so on. Finally near the very end of the game Lucas is on, he has the ball and he.....he shoots scoring an amazing goal. Everyone in the crowd screams with joy. Once me and Steve get out if our seats and down to where the team is I waste no time in finding Lucas.
"Lucas! Oh my god!" I say because he found me first and pulled me into a hug. "Jesus you've grown! Oh god I'm so proud of you! You did so good!"
"Thank you. I'm glad you were here no one else came. They were all playing Dnd." He smiles a bit.
"Seriously that's so not cool! You're gonna make me cry like actually cry. Anyway I've gotta go but I'm so proud of you, you did amazing!" I kiss his cheek then walk back over to Steve.
"Bye Y/n! It was nice seeing you!" He yells as I walk out with Steve.

Lucas POV (You know I had to add this just so all the jocks can drool over us.)
"Who was that?" Chance one of my basketball teammates asks me.
"Oh she was Y/n Y/L/n, she's from Australia." I smile.
"How old is she?" Andy (another one of my teammates) asks.
"19/20, she's dating Steve Harrington though."
"That sucks, she was totally into you."
"She was not! She's like my older sister!" I say disgusted.
"Well she's hot man. What'd you say, Australian? Dayyyymmm."
That was probably one of the weirdest conversations I've ever had, Y/n is super pretty but I wouldn't date her! No way, she's like another parent figure.

"Those basketball players were so checking you out." Steve scoffs as we get into his car.
"What? They were not!" I laugh.
"Oh they so were. As soon as you walked away from Lucas and back to me they were all asking Lucas about who you were and how you're soooo hotttt." Steve starts the car.
"They were probably just talking about the game." I shrug.
"Whatever but they were definitely looking at your ass.", I laugh and we drive away.

Season four started! Alright what do we think?
Pls vote :)

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