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"Um Eddie I'm not sure I like the idea of you driving." Robin says.
"Oh I'm starting the sucker. Harringtons got her, don't ya big boy?" I was shocked when Eddie said this, it was like he was talking to a puppy dog.
There was banging on the door, we all jump. Eddie jumps out of the drivers seat letting Steve get into it, Nancy takes the passenger seat while the rest of us sit anywhere we can. I honestly was annoyed that Nancy took the passenger seat.
"Hold onto something!" Steve yells before he speeds off.

As we drive to wherever it is Eddie's wants us to go, Nancy and Steve start talking about their 'dreams' or something.

A/n: Now I've just written this next scene like this because it was easier, hope u don't mind :)

Steve: It's silly but I've uh I've always had this dream that I would have this really big family. Like full brood Harringtons, five maybe six kids
Nancy: Six?
Steve: Yeah six little nuggets, three boys three girls. And ah every summer I figured all us Harringtons would pack into something like this and just...see the country. You know the Rockies, Grand Canyon maybe Yellowstone. End up in some beachside town in California, spend a week parked in the sand. Learn how to surf or something.
Nancy: That....that sounds nice.
Steve: Yeah?
Nancy: Yeah. Well except for the six kids part. That sounds like a total nightmare.
"If only I had some practice" Steve says sarcastically as he motions towards the back where all the kids are.
"Alright fair. That's fair." Nancy nods.

I lean back in my seat and think about all of what Steve said. He said he wanted kids. Six of them! But me, I didn't want kids not one bit and he knew that. Why, why was he telling Nancy about his dreams? They hadn't spoken for ages and now he's telling her his plans for the future. Him telling her was the first I had heard of any of this, surely he would tell his girlfriend his about his dreams for the future before telling his ex? Guess not. I guess not...

When we finally got to the weapon place me, Steve, Robin, Nancy and Erica all went inside while the others stayed in the caravan.
Nancy went straight over to get a gun, Erica got a trolly, Steve and Robin got their own trolly while I looked at knives.
It's odd really, when I was a child I refused to go anywhere near a knife that wasn't a butter knife. I was horrified of them as if they were gonna sprout wings and plunge itself into my chest. But now I didn't mind them, they're kinda cool.

"Hey." An unfamiliar voice says from next to
me. "You're Lucas's friend right?" I look up to see it was one of the guys off the high school basketball team.
"Oh, yeah that's me. Um who are you?" I ask incredibly unsure of why he was talking to me.
"Well I too am one of his friends. Im from the basketball team."
"Yeah....I noticed that." I say looking at his jumper.
"I'm Andy." He smiles.
"Okay." I nod trying to show that I don't care one bit.
"Andy dude seriously? Leave the poor woman alone." Another basketball player says as he pulls Andy away. 'Thank you' I mouth to him. He smiles then says "I'm Chance by the way."
I roll my eyes then walk away to find Steve.

Time skip

We go to a field where Eddie and me won't be spotted so we can make the weapons.
Max, Erica and Lucas are gonna go to the creel house. Robin, Steve, Nancy and me are going to kill Vecna so that leaves Eddie and Dustin to distract the bats.
At the moment Dustin and Eddie are making the shields, Erica and Lucas are making the spears, Nancy and Max are chopping the top off Nancys new gun, Steve and Robin are making the fire things while I throw knifes and wander around to each group helping them as I go.
I am currently throwing my knife in the air (not to high) and catching it just for entertainment.
"Y/n! Stop that! You'll cut your hand off." Steve yells to me.
"You sound like such a mum." I laugh continuing to throw the knife.
"Okay! Calm down" I say putting the knife down then sit down next to him.

It didn't take long for everyone to finish making their weapons so we were all back in the caravan driving to Eddie's van. I said my goodbyes to Erica, Lucas and Max making sure to give her an extra long hug.
"You've been really good to me Y/n. Thank you." Max says before she leaves.
"It's good to know I'm useful for something." I laugh
"You're good at a lot of things" She smiles.
"Thank you Max."
"Well I have to go now. Bye" she lets go and walks towards the door to the creel house.
"Bye Max." I say in a kind of nervous awkward tone. I really hope nothing bad happens to her.

We park the caravan a little away from where Eddie lives so that the people we took it off don't notice us.
Steve climbs the rope first landing perfectly on his feet in the upside down.
"Oo what does he want us to do? Applaud?" Robin says waving her hands around.
"Knowing Steve, probably" I say back.
"True that."
Steve drags out the mattress from the upside down, lying it beneath the rope. We all go through as quickly as possible.
"That was the scariest shit I've ever experienced." I say as I get off the mattress.
"Don't like being tossed upside down?" Robin laughs
"No. I hate any type of thing that would make you do that."
"Like roller coasters?"
"Especially roller coasters."

We all walk outside to say our goodbyes.
"Whatever you guys do." Steve starts "stick. To. The. Plan."
"Don't worry Steve you'll still get to be the hero." Dustin says
"I mean look at us" Eddie says. "We are not hero's."
"Well good luck guys." I say to them then we all start walking towards the woods.

Ah I can't believe the next chapter is the second last one!
Pls vote :)

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