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We've been walking on the train tracks for a little bit, me and Steve in front with the kids behind us. They're all still talking about me and Steve ending up together.
"Kids have got great imaginations haven't they?" I say as Lucas begins to plan out how Steve will propose to me.
"Yep. They sure do." He gives an awkward laugh.
"God I never want kids."
"Really?" Steve asks me shocked. "Why?"
"I just don't, I never have and I don't think I ever will. I wouldn't be able to actually deal with them until they're 10+. Proper children are just to hard to deal with but then when they get to being a teenager they're all moody and bitchy and they think they can do whatever they please. Plus for the Mum you have to give birth and that would just be painful so no. I don't want kids."
Steve looks at me with a sort of 'that's a very odd way of thinking about it.' "See when you think about it like that you make it sound all bad. But there are good parts too being a parent, a lot of good things actually. Like you get to see them grow, you get to teach them things and you get to grow closer to the one you love."
"It pure narcissism to have kids! Having kids just so you can go 'oh doesn't he have his fathers eyes? Oh and his mothers hair?' It's annoying. But your point has a small meaning to it, I understand why some people might want kids."
"Well you have a while to think about it."
"Yeah plus even if I do end up wanting kids with want to have them with me?" I laugh but Steve just gives a slight nod.

It's silent for a fair few minutes but then Steve goes to say something.
"You know actually um-
He interrupted by a scream of some sort that came from the woods, my hand grips onto Steve's in fright.
"What was that?" I ask.
"Absolutely no idea, you alright?" Steve asks me.
"Yeah. Yeah I'm good." I say letting go of his hand. He starts to walk towards where the sound came from.
"And we're going towards it alright then." I say as I follow him, the kids trailing behind us.
As we get further out of the woods a torch light shines on us, I put Steve's sunnies on so it's less bright.
"Steve!?" Two voices I don't know ask.
"Nancy?" Steve says back. As we get. Closer I see that it's his ex and another guy.
"I'm Y/n." I say to the other boy shaking his hand.
"Ohhhhh Jonathan. Right so your-
"Y/n shut up." Steve says, softly kicking my leg.
"Rightttt sorrryyyy. Nice to meet you Jonathan." I say nodding my head. "Anyway why are we here?" I ask
"We're looking for Mike and Will."
"There more children!? Jesus Christ!"
"Just stop talking. Your acting like a child."
"That is the most offensive thing anyones ever said to me." I roll my eyes.
"Well mike and will aren't in there are they?" Dustin asks.
"Not sure why?" At the moment a screech comes from the lab that Dustin was talking about.

I'm not sure what happened because I stopped listening to conversation but all of sudden Steve is dragging me somewhere.
"What are we doing?" I ask him.
"Well Dustin and Jonathan are trying to open the gate to get Will and Mike and the rest of them out of there while we stand here and do nothing."
We stand in silence looking around.
"Sorry for telling you to stop talking before. I just didn't want you to say something I don't know too rude I front of Nancy. Especially since Mike is her brother."
"Oh. Sorry." I say. "You still like her don't you?" I ask.
"Well yeah kind of. It's been less than 2 days since we've broken up. So I guess yeah I do." I knew that was going to be the answer but it still hurt a little, I'm not sure why though. I didn't like Steve. Right?
"Yeah. Yeah that's fair."
"What about you? You like anyone."
"Ugh as if! No way! Disgusting." I say and Steve laughs.
"You haven't been charmed by anyone?"
"Not in a million years." I say, he puts his arm around.
"You sure?"
"Oh my god I've just changed my mind within a split second, your the one for me Steven." We burst out laughing. He still has his arm around me so we're basically leaning into each other. I can feel eyes burning into us, I look around to see Nancy looking at us. Steve notices to so he takes his arm off of me and we stop laughing. Well at least we try to stop laughing, we share that smile where your trying to stop yourself from laughing.

"You remember when you flipped me off out ya bedroom window?" Steve says.
"What?" I laugh.
"Yeah I walked pass and gave you a petty wave so you stuck the middle finger up at me in return."
"That was you!?"
"Oh my god I'm sorry." I laugh
"It's fine." He laughs along with me.
"By the way. How did you get into my room? You know earlier when you and Dustin were waiting for me."
"Ohh yeah Um your mum let us in."
"Really? God surprised she can even open the door she's that lazy."
"Well she wasn't up for much of a conversation I can tell you that."
"She never is. The only words that come out of her mouth majority of the time are just 'get the door!' Or 'you got a letter.' Or some other random shit."
"Very comforting." He says sarcastically.
"Sure is."
"You know your-
He's cut off by a car pulling up and Jonathan yelling at us to get in the goddamn car. We all cram in the speeding off to god knows where.

And another chapter done!
Pls vote :)

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