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"Ugh! I don't wanna go to work todayyyyyyyy." I whine as Steve pushes me out of bed.
"Have you ever had a job before this?" He asks putting his hands on his hips.
"Come on! Get up." He picks me up, bridal style.
"Ooo I like this." I laugh. Steve rolls his eyes then drops me back onto the bed. "Uh Steve!"
"Hurry up!"
I get up and get changed about 3 times, Steve dress coded the first two outfits. There wasn't actually a dress code that we had to listen to when working at the video store but there was a Steve code I had to listen too.
"Okay now let's go." He says pulling me out the the front door.

"Holy shit." Steve says turning up the radio.
"Listen to this."
Radio: Teenage girl found dead, brutally murdered, in the Munson trailer.
Steve turns the radio back down.
"Was it Eddie?"
"Possibly but why?" Steve says unsure of how to react to this.
"Well I'm sure we'll find something out from Dustin." I say looking out the window knowing that we're gonna be dragged into this.

It was about 10 o'clock when Dustin burst into the shop with Max.
"How manny phones do you have?" He asks.
"How many-
"Two. Why?" Steve answers cutting Dustin off.
"And the one on the wall, so three basically." Robin adds.
"That should work." Max nods. Dustin pushes his bag across the bench.
"Hey! Hey my tapes!" Steve yells as Dustin slides over the bench, pushing all of his tapes onto the floor.
"What are we doing!?" I ask frustrated that nobody has explained anything yet.
Dustin and Max explain how they think somethings up with Eddie 'murdering' Chrissy Cunningham so they thought of where he could be hiding one of them remembered something about Eddies's drug dealer (Reafer Rick). So they thought he might be hiding at his house and because we work at the video we can look at who has accounts here, what movies they've rented and so on.
"Fuck you guys are nerds." I sigh putting my head on the table. I couldn't comprehend half of this plan let alone actually be apart of it.

"Right and we need the phones for?" I ask after a while of doing random stuff.
"Don't worry about it." Steve shakes his head.
"Okay theeennnnnn."

"That's......a lot of ricks." Robin says looking at the list of ricks that have accounts here. We've figured a few things out. I have no idea what we've figured out.
"How do we know which one he is?" I ask looking at the screen.
"Guess we just look at the movies he's rented and take a guess." Max shrugs.
We click on a few of the accounts before we get to the one we think is him. Steve grabs his car keys and we all run out to his car, him driving, me in the passenger seat and the rest in the back.
"Why are we doing this!?" I whisper yell to Steve.
"I'm sure we won't get too involved in what's happening." He says in response.
"Oh I'm sure we will." I say annoyed. Steve gives me an awkward smile then looks back at the road.

Time skip

We get out if the car at Reafer Rich's house, it doesn't look like anyones home but we still knock.
"Hello? Rick? Eddie?" Steve calls out while I knock aggressively.
"Y/n. Stop being so aggressive." Steve says.
"No." I continue knocking.
"Hey guys." Max starts talking so I stop knocking.
"Yeah what's up?"
"I think I found something." She says nodding towards the boat house that's just a bit behind the house. We all walk into the shed (boat house), it's dark and doesn't look like anyones been in here but we haven't taken a closer look. Max and Robin look around the benches, Steve and Dustin look around the boat and I look at the shelves.

"You know the first time I met Eddie was when I was dropping Dustin off to one if his dnd game things-
"You can drive now?" Max asks.
"What? No, Steve drove, I just had to take him in because Steve didn't want Dustin walking in the dark by himself. Anyway, I met Eddie and we like exchanged names and the usual how are you. You know what he said to me before I left?"
"What?" Robin asks.
"You know you talk funny, anyone ever told you that before?"
"What'd you say back?" Steve laughs.
"Yeah. Anyone ever told you Australia exists?"
"Why am I only heading about this now?" Robin laughs, we have gossip sessions in the back room so I am kind of surprised I haven't told her.
"Why am I, ME only hearing about this now. I thought we told each other everything." Steve says pretending to be offended.
"Why do you have an oar?" I ask him.
"He could be in here." He shrugs.
"Why don't you just take the tarp off?" Dustin asks.
"Someone has been here recently." Max says looking at wrappers on the bench.
"Maybe he heard us, got spooked and ran." Robin says.
"Don't worry Steve will get him with his oar." Dustin says annoyed. "Just take the tarp off."
"If you're so brave why don't you take the tarp off? Hm-
Suddenly, Eddie jumps out of the boat and has Steve against the wall with a pocket knife to his throat.
"Eddie! Eddie! It's me! Eddie! It's me Dustin! It's meeeee!" Dustin screams.
"Don't you dare fucking stab Steve!" Eddie doesn't respond to either mine or Dustin's screams, he just gives us sceptical looks.

"Why are you here?" Eddie asks after a while of silence. He had let go of Steve.
"We just wanna talk. Can you tell us what happened." Dustin says in a very calming way.
"You wouldn't believe me."
"Try us."

God! Starting seasons is so harrrd! Hope u liked this chapter.
Pls vote :)

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