𝐶𝐻𝐴𝑃𝑇𝐸𝑅 𝑉 {𝚂𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚙𝚎𝚘𝚙𝚕𝚎}

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"You said we were babysitting!" I exclaimed as Dustin, the child Steve told me we were 'babysitting' told me what we were actually doing.
"We are..........just in extremely different way........that involves monster hunting." Steve says as he waits for Dustin to bring back the key for the cellar thing that his 'pet' is in.
"I swear if I die I will haunt you."
"Your not gonna die. I'll go down there kill it you bury it somewhere problem solved."
"Why am I burying it?"
"Because." He laughs.
"God and you say I'm mean." I laugh along with him.
"Okay here you go." Dustin says handing Steve the key.
"Thanks man." Steve says unlocking the doors.
"Don't die Harrington."

Steve walks down the steps of the cellar slowly with his bat out in front of him.
"Soooo are you and Steve like?.......you know-
"No! No. Where'd you get that idea?" I ask the child.
"I dunno just a thought." He shrugs.
"Yeahhhh. Okay." We hear Steve thrash out at something. "You good?" I ask
"Yes, just a spiderweb." I can't help but laugh. "Shut up!" He yells at me.
"I changed my answer to the question you asked just before." Dustin says to me.
"Yeah? What is it?"
"You flirt with each other and your mean to him which is normally the way someone hides their feelings for another."
"What!? No! That is not true!"
"Plus as you just showed your very defensive when I did just accuse you of liking him making it more obvious you do."
"Okay stop with the nerdy stuff. None of that is true." I say actually full on annoyed with this child. I didn't like Steve! Love is stupid and fake so I am most definitely not falling into it!
"Hey uh Dustin....you might wanna come down here." Steve voice calls out from the cellar.
Me and Dustin run down the steps to see what Steve wants to show us.
"Okay so firstly there's this." He hold up something disgusting, it looks all sticking.
"He's grown again." Dustin says. "That's a layer of his skin that he shedded."
"That looks disgusting." I say.
"Yeah but then there's this." Steve shines his torch in front of us revealing a long tunnel leading out of here.
"Oh shit!"

"You know 3 days ago the craziest thing that ever happened to me would've been moving to a new country but no. Now I'm sitting in a car with a heartbroken teenager-who is the closest thing I have to a friend- and a nerd, getting ready to go monster hunting. Does that not make you freak out!?" I say loudly, extremely annoyed that I was pulled into this.
"Calm down. We've been through this before and we didn't die, well me and Dustin didn't die."
"Who died!? Jesus Christ!"
"I'm pretty sure it was only one person, her name was Barbra. She was Nancys friend."
"Holy shit. Harrington your gonna get me killed."
"Don't worry you'll hardly be doing anything. I'll protect you."
"Well in that case I feel completely safe and like I'm in fairyland." I say sarcastically as I bat my eyes.
"You will don't worry. I'm like a superhero."
"I bet you are."

We soon arrive at the train tracks that Dustin said lead up to some sort if junk yard. Steve and Dustin put on rubber gloves, they're going to throw meat on the tracks while I walk in front of them doing whatever I please.
Dustin's walkie-talkie goes off.
"Okay see you there!" He says into it.
"Are there more small people coming?" I ask.
"Yay. More babysitting." I roll my eyes.

Time skip

We were about a half of the way to the junk yard when Steve says
"Ok let me get this straight you kept something that you knew was probably dangerous to impress a girl who you just met?"
"Alright that's grossly over simplifying things" Dustin says turning back to Steve, I was walking ahead of them they were completely oblivious that I was listening to their conversation.

"I mean what girl would like some nasty slug anyway?"
"An inter dimensional slug because it's awesome"
"Well even if she thought it was cool which she didn't, I don't know I just think your trying way to hard man"
"Well not everyone can have your perfect hair" Dustin says, I laugh at that Steve's was nice but not perfect.
"It's not about the hair man the key to girls is just acting like you don't care"
"Okay Dustin go back to what you were saying to before! About me being mean! Don't listen to that idiot." I yell back at them but it doesn't stop him from listening, he completely ignores me.

"Even if you do?"
"Yeah exactly it drives me nuts"
"Then what" Dustin questions Steve
"Uh you just wait until you uh feel it"
"Feel what?"
"It's like before it's gonna storm you can't see it but you can feel it's like this Uh this electricity", I gave up hope by now I was just gonna let Steve do his thing, Dustin then said some nerdy thing that neither me or Steve understood.
"No no" Steve paused "like a sexual electricity"
"You feel that and that's when you make your move"
"so that's when you kiss her?"
"Woah slow down Romeo sure ok some girls yeah they want you to be aggressive, strong, hot and heavy like uh like a lion but others you gotta be slow, stealthy like a ninja".
"Give me an example." Dustin says. "Like Y/n, what types she?" I was really trying to listen now, I'm pretty sure Steve doesn't know I'm listening.
"Uh well you see. Y/n's different." Different? "She's not like other girls. Really. She doesn't believe in love. So um if I was gonna try and date her-which I'm very much not-I would probably do something nice for her and I would have to hang around her first before just saying 'I'm totally plainly in love with you and I always have been.' You know doing all that. I would probably flirt with her a few times, get to know what she likes, understand why she likes them then ask her to hang out make that have something to do with the things she likes then ask her out. I'd probably say 'You can slap me across the face for saying this but I really like you.' Then say why I like her and blah blah blah. Y/n's a complicated girl. But did that help? At all?"
"No. That just made it clear how much you really like her."
"Shut up!"

"You think she's special?" Dustin says looking at Steve
"Yeah she is"
"Well this girl is too something about her**
"Woah hey hey"
"Your not falling in love with this girl are you?"
"Good don't"
"I won't"
"cause she's only gonna break your heart and your way to young for that shit."

It's silent for awhile before Steve points to his hair and says
"Faberge organics use the shampoo and conditioner and then when your hairs damp it's not wet it's damp"
"Damp" Dustin repeats
"Use four sprays of Farrah Fawcett"
"Farrah Fawcett's spray?" Dustin says laughing
"Yeah Farrah Fawcett spray you tell anyone I told you that your ass is grass your dead you got that" Steve says sounding more stern than ever
"Yep" Dustin says
I smile to myself, that was an interesting conversation.

Not such a long chapter, hope you enjoyed it!
Pls vote :)

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