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December, 1984.
It has been a month since eleven closed the gate and we almost died. It was getting close to Christmas so almost everyone was in a good mood. I had FINALLY written back to my dad and Harry, I made up some excuse for why it took so long. (We're just gonna ignore how long it takes for letters to get places and act like it doesn't take long.)
"Y/n! Y/n! Get down here! Some guy on the phone wants to talk to you!" My mum yells to me. A guy? What the hell.
"What!? Um okay! On my way!" I say running down the stairs. She hands me the phone.

Steve POV
"Um hi?" Y/n's voice says through the phone. I was practically shaking all over I was so nervous.
"Hey N/n." I say as smoothly as possible.
"Oh hi Steve!" She says happily. "What's up?"
"I-um I was just wondering, god shit um, d-do you wanna come to mine tonight. Just to hang out you know. We can do anything you like."
"Yes! Yeahh, sure that sounds fun. What time?"
"In like 40 minutes I can pick you up?"
"40 minutes fuck. That's perfect."
"So is it like a date?" She asks.
"Um only if you want it to be." God that sounded so stupid.
"Wait so is it a date? Y/n?" But she's already gone. "Yes! Oh yeah! I did it! Let's go!" I yell into the empty-ness of my house.

40 minutes Jesus! I gotta get moving. I grab a towel, run into the shower and wash my hair as quick as possible. I stand in my room trying to figure out what to wear.
"No. No! No. Absolutely not! No that's Harry's. Oh, oh maybe. Yes this'll do." I say as I lay my outfit out on my bed.
(This can be ur outfit if you want it to be, it's just a suggestion.)

"Y/n get the damn door! Now!" My mum yells as the door bell rings repeatedly

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"Y/n get the damn door! Now!" My mum yells as the door bell rings repeatedly. I checked the time, it had only been 35 minutes. Not that I minded. I was ready.
"I'm doing that now!" I yells as I run to the door. I pull open the door to see not Steve but
"Listen Y/n I'm sorry about a few weeks ago, I was mad and stressed and I'm sorry. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight?" (When I reread this chapter, I have no idea y but I read that sentence in a Texas accent.) I can feel the unsure look settle onto my face.
"Oh Billy. I'm sorry, I really am but um I'm actually hanging out with-
Steve's car pulls up, billy turns to see who it is.
"Steve." I finish my sentence. I close the door behind me then begin walking over to him. "Sorry." I shrug trying to hide my smile. The fun it was to watch peoples face when they realise you've rejected them.
"Hello Steven."
"Hello N/n. What's he doing here?"
"He wanted to hang out but you got there first."
"Good." I laugh at this. "Come on let's go." He says opening my door.
"Such a gentleman."
"I know. I am aren't I?"

"So what are we doing?" I ask him as we drive around.
"Whatever you want to." He smiles.
"Oo fun. Hmm can we ummm. God this is hard."
"It just can't coast too much money."
"Oh god no! I hate going to restaurants and going to the cinema is just awkward. So no. No money. Hmm what do you like to do?"
"I like to um. That's a good question."
"I've got it! Your probably gonna murder me for saying this but. We should go walking."
"Walking? That's all we've done while hanging out."
"Exactly. That's why it's perfect. Actually no. I don't wanna do that anymore."
"That was a quick turn of events. So what do you ya wanna do?"
"Let's....just watch a movie. At your house and relax. Just like normal kids."
"Yeah, okay. That's cool. That's a good idea. I like it."
"Yeah, me too."

"Holy shit your house is massive!" I exclaim as I enter Steve's house.
"Yeah it's big but so is yours."
"Yeah but your is stylish! And you have a pool! That is so cool! Oh my god I want your house." I laugh
"It is petty nice yeah. Anyway what movie are we watching?" He asks.
"I don't know, whatcha got?" I ask.
"Well there's, Grease-
"I love grease!"
"And all three Star Wars movies-
"Oh my god me and my dad would watch them as much as possible. Star Wars and me have so many memories. But like you have the third one? That only came out last year!"
"You wanna watch it?"
"Yes! Yes!"
"Amazing. Return of the Jedi it is." Steve puts it on then sits next to me on the couch.

The movie starts and the yellow writing appears on the screen. I lean into Steve and he puts his arm around me.
"Oh Hans my favourite 100%." I say as we see him in carbonate.
"Yeah he's cool." Steve agrees.
"Oh but Leia's hot." He says when Leias got her slave outfit on.
"You only think that because her boobs are almost fully out and she's hardly wearing anything."
"Maybe....but she's still really pretty." I know he's looking at me when he says that but I pretend he's not.
"Yeah she is."

Time skip

Steve POV
The movie is almost finished, it has about 30 minutes to go when I turn to Y/n.
"Are you cold?" I asks her
"Um yeah kind of why."
"You feel it, do you want my sweater?"
"Um sure. Thanks." I takes off my red sweater and hand it to her, she puts it on. My arm goes back around her and we sit in silence once more.

One line Y/n POV
His jumper smells like him, it smells nice.

Back to Steve POV
"Y/n, can I talk to you?"
"You are already." She laugh.
"Okay thanks but this is-is serious. I guess."
"Ooo fancy. Let's hear it then." And I begin talking very fast.
"Y/n this is probably gonna be stupid and a shot in the dark but I like you! A lot! And I know you don't believe in love and you probably won't make an exception for me but I just need you to know because you never know! The universe might decide you know what, let's give these two teenagers a chance. Please! I won't break your heart. Just- just give me a cha-
I can't talk any more because Y/n's lips are pushed onto mine. Oh my god! I'm kissing Y/n! And she kissed me!
I push my lips back against her, she's like a really good kisser.

"Jesus where'd you learn how to kiss like that?" I laugh after we pulled apart.
"What you think I just lived my early teens not kissing anybody?"
"But you said you don't believe in love."
"I don't. That doesn't mean I didn't kiss people at parties. Plus I've dated people before, I just broke their hearts so they didn't break mine." She laughs.
"So are you gonna break mine?"
"Well that depends. Do you plan on flirting with other girls?"
"No. No! No way."
"Good." She pulls me in to kiss again. How did I not know that Y/n has in fact dated people before? It was good to be kissing her again, her lips are soft against mine. My hand slides into her hair whilst hers rest on the back of my neck. Suddenly an alarm goes off.
"Sorry bout that." I say pulling away from the kiss. "That means I have to pick up Dustin. From his school dance."
"Ohh that's okay." She smiles.
"Um Y/n does this mean we're dating. Like a couple." She gives me a real happy smile that she can't hold back.
"I would hope so Steven."
"Oh shut up." I say as I kiss her cheek. "Did you want me to drop you home orrrr did you wanna stay?"
"Ooo can I stay please?"
"Of course you can." I smile.
"Anyways I gotta go. I'll be back soon." I say as I walk towards the door.
"Okay. Okay." She nods still smiling.

Ahhh! First kiss together! Cute! But guess what? The next chapter is not season3, it's Y/n and Steve having an amazing sleepover.
Pls vote :)

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