𝐶𝐻𝐴𝑃𝑇𝐸𝑅 𝑋𝑋 {𝚁𝚞𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝚐𝚞𝚊𝚛𝚍𝚜}

448 14 10

Everyone is flung everywhere, Erica is flung into a corner, Robin on top of box, Dustin lying on the ground and Y/n got flung onto me.
"Hey lover boy." She laughs, our noses are touching which she seems to think makes it even funnier. She puts her hand on my cheek and tilts her head.
"Come on off you get." I say, she rolls her eyes then rolls off of me but she hits her back on a box.
"Y/n! There is a child."
"It's fine. I say it ALL the time." Erica says shrugging as if it's normal for a ten year old to say that.
"See. It's fine, she says it all the time." Y/n says as I help her up off the ground.
"Is everybody okay?" Robin asks.
"Yeah I'm great now that I know Russians can't design elevators!" I yell, this is when I started stressing out. "What are we gonna do? Does anybody know where we are? Holy shit! What's the time?"
"Steve." Y/n says putting her hand on my arm. "You have a watch on. Okay that's all I can do to make you feel better, Dustin? Robin? You know anything about where we are and what we're gonna do?"
"I know nothing, just that we are probably most definitely stuck in here." Dustin nods looking around.
"Yeah, we're stuck." Robin agrees.

"Just so you nerds are aware, I am meant to be at Tina's tonight and Tina ALWAYS covers for me. But if I'm not home for uncle Jacks party tomorrow and my mum finds out you four are responsible, she will hunt you down. One by one. And SLIT. YOUR. THROAT." Erica says making it very clear that she has no time to waste in getting out of here.
"Woah Steve, calm down." I say "Stop yelling at a child. We'll hopefully get out of here. Erica can go to Uncle Jacks party and we can go back to living our normal lives."
"Yeah okay but how exactly do we get out?" He asks leaning down to my eye level, which isn't much but still it's annoying.
"Maybe we could climb out?" I suggest pointing to the vent above us.
"Hm okay." Steve straightens up back to his normal height, stands on a box then climbs out the vent. We all wait for an answer in silence. "Yeah well unless any of you can climb elevator wires for more than 15ft than we are most 100% definitely stuck in a Russian elevator." Steve says, he then climbs back down to us.
"Yeah okay that's not gonna work. Any ideas?" I ask looking around at the others.
"I say we just sleep and wait until morning to figure something out." Dustin says.
"Yeah okay." We all shrug.

Erica takes one corner she put boxes all around her like a wall. Dustin got the corner across from her, Robin got the the one opposite Erica which left Steve and I the corner across from Robin.
"We are sharing. You don't get a choice." I say to him which he returns with a 'I didn't really see another option' smile.
"Yeah that's okay." He nods then sits down in the corner, I sat down next to him and snuggled into his side. Steve puts his arm around me which makes me feel comforted and warm, I smile as I begin to drift off to sleep.

"Wakeeee upppp!" And I did, I woke up to Steve yelling at me to get up.
"Yes! I'm up! What!?" I yell back at him.
"Nothing I just wanted you to wake up." He smiles.
"I think my meanness is rubbing off on you." I sigh
"Sadly." Steve laughs, everyone else was up but they were just sitting there doing nothing, minding their own business.
"Why did you wake me up?"
"Because everyone is being boring and no one wants to talk to me." He says as he fiddles with my hair.
"So now I have to talk to you?"
"Okay what do you want to talk about because so far this has been the most boring conversation." I say looking at Steve with pure boredom in my eyes.
"Hm I dunno." He shrugs. "Can I braid your hair?"
"Since when can you braid hair!?"
"Max taught me a few weeks ago." He smiles proudly.
"Um sure." I hand him the two hair ties that were on my wrist. I never really use them, my hairs always down but just incase I have them there.
"Yes! Okay two braids or one?" He asks.
"Two please. You know you're very serious about this."
"It's a serious job Y/n." He nods, I can hear the smile in his voice.

Time skip

"You know Steve did a surprisingly good job with your braids." Robin says as she looks at them.
"Yeah he did didn't he? I never thought he would be able to braid but I guess Max is a good teacher."
"She must be because it seems pretty hard for Steve to actually understand simple things." I laugh at this. It was half true, Steve was smart in other ways. "Hey, hey Woah. What are you doing?" Robin says to Erica who was trying to break open the tube with the green stuff in it.
"We can survive a long time without food but if the human body doesn't get water it will die."
"I hate to break it to you but this." Robin waves the tube around. "Is not water."
"No but it's a liquid and if it comes down to me dying of thirst or drinking that shit, I drink." Erica smiles sarcastically at Robin.
"It's probably not even drinkable. It looks like weird-ass alien goo or something." I shrug looking at it.
"Probably." Robin nods then she looks at something else. "Can you redirect your stream please!"
"God thats disgusting." I say with of course disgust in my voice.
"Yeah...it is." Robin agrees.

"Shhh sh sh." Steve shush's us.
"What?" I ask.
"Quick come on." All of a sudden we're all climbing through the vent because Steve thought he heard Russian guards. Which he in fact, actually did. Steve holds a finger up to his outs indicating for us to be as quite as possible.
"Okay quick come on let's go." He says once the guards leave, we all climb down as quickly as possible. Steve puts one of the tubes under the door to stop it from closing, he only just makes it out as he let all of us go first.
"You still wanna drink that?" Robin asks Erica as the 'liquid' inside of the tube burns the floor.
"Holy shit." I say looking at the long hallway ahead.
"Hope you're all in good shape." Steve says looking at it too. "Looking at you roast beef." He says tapping Dustin then walking off down the hallway.
We all eventually follow.

Um hope you like this chapter. Here is something very odd that my friend said to me last night.

 Here is something very odd that my friend said to me last night

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Literally traumatising. Anyway have a nice day....
Pls vote :)

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