𝐶𝐻𝐴𝑃𝑇𝐸𝑅 𝑋𝑋𝑋𝐼𝐼 {𝙱𝚊𝚋𝚢𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚓𝚘𝚋𝚜}

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Nancy and Robin had left a while ago, Robins outfit was horrendous so I was glad I didn't have to go. At the moment we were all at my house waiting for Nancy or Robin to talk to us over the walkie talkie saying that they've figured out how to rid Max of the curse. My Mum was out somewhere so we didn't need to worry about her asking any questions, not that she would care anyway.
"I can't do this." Max says standing up off the couch.
"What?" We all ask.
"If this REALLY IS my last day then I have a few things I need to do." She says looking at all of us hoping that we'll understand, I kind of do. I've been in a situation we're I thought I was gonna die in that moment I had wished I'd done a lot more things with my life.
"Well what'd do wanna do? I'll see how I can help." I ask her.
"Y/n!" Steve exclaims.
"You don't even know what she wants to do but you've basically said yes!?" He says very worried about what Max is gonna want to do.
"Steve it's only fair that we do agree. If you die right now I guarantee there will be things you wished you had done. Anyway, Max what is it?"
"I just need to go to my house to drop off a few letters then something else." Max says, smiling a little.
"Yeah we can do that." I nod.
"What's the something else?" Steve asks still not convinced this is entirely safe even though it is perfectly safe. Max storms out of the room sick of Steve being annoying, I roll my eyes at him then follow Max outside, Steve then follows me.

"Max! Listen if I could drive I would take you to where you wanted to go." I say as I catch up to Max at Steve's car.
"I know Y/n." Max pauses. "I wanna go to Billy's grave. I wrote him a letter too." She says quietly.
"Oh Max." I say pulling her into a hug. "Okay let's go." I go to pull open the door to Steve's car but it's locked.
"Tell me what's going on and I'll drive you." He says from behind us.
"Open the door." Me and Max say at the same time.
"Uh no."
"I know a good lawyer." Max says which confuses both me and Steve but it works, he opens the doors.

Lucas, Max, Dustin, Steve and I are all in Steve's car driving to Max's house.
"Ten minutes Mayfield! I'm timing!" Steve yells as Max goes into her house. The cars silent as we wait for Max to come back.
"Hey Y/n?" Lucas says from the back of the car.
"Yeah?" I ask turning around to face him.
"Why can't you drive?" Its silent for awhile but then Steve talks.
"Yeah. Why can't you drive Y/n?"
"I...uh I guess I'm just not good at telling me left and rights......" That was the worst lie I have ever said. There's a long silence before Steve says something.
"You are THE WORST liar. What actually happened?"
"Nothing! I just cannot drive at all! That's it!" I exclaim turning my head to face the window, no one else says anything. Steve opens his car door and stands outside, waiting for Max to get back because it's been more than 10 minutes.
"Hey what happened? You were gone quite awhile!" Steve says to Max as she walks back out of her house.
"I'm fine let's just go." She says as she gets into the car.

We get to the graveyard and Max gets out as soon the car stops, Lucas runs out after her and I get out to get some fresh air (iT's NoT lIke ThErE iSn'T aIr InSiDe). I sit on the bonnet of Steve's car looking at practically nothing when Steve sits next to me, I turn to face him.
"Hey..." He starts but doesn't say anything else.
"Hi." I say looking at him.
"I'm sorry-
"Oh I'm sorry this, I'm sorry that. Blah blah, I'm sorry. Sorry. Listen Y/n I said I was sorry, sorry I didn't mean it. I don't know what I did but sorry!" I yell annoyed but I immediately regret saying it because I can see the hurt on Steve's face.
"Fine. I won't say it anymore! You'll get a shitty boyfriend who doesn't care! A shitty boyfriend who'll act like he's done no wrong! A shitty boyfriend-
"Steve! I'M. SORRY." I pause wondering if he's gonna say anything. "I-I didn't mean it like that, I just-
"Really? How'd you mean it then?"
"I....I meant it because I'M the one who should be saying sorry! You shouldn't have to because it's me! I should be saying sorry, I'm the one who makes the situations in which you end up saying sorry. So me, Steve, I'm sorry." I sigh grabbing his face to face it towards me, making him look into my eyes. "I'm sorry."
"Yeah so ya should be." He bursts out laughing and I slap him.
"Steven!" It was a friendly slap but I still kissed his cheek after. "Sorry."
"Oh my god you say sorry to much, eh." He says imitating my voice, I laugh at him then rest my head on his shoulder. Steve was a good boyfriend and I keep taking him for granted, I do honestly wish I didn't but I'm a horrible person so I can't.
"Hey Steve." I whisper.
"Yeah?" He responds at the same volume.
"How come you hardly, like ever get mad at me?"
"Because I hate yelling." He shrugs. "Why are u asking?"
"Just wondering. It's nice that you don't yell. I'm sorry when I do." I sigh.
"It's okay N/n." He says putting his hand on my head. "It's okay."

Top tip if you ever feel like writing a story: DO NOT give the main character the same personality traits as you, you will probably end up realising how toxic you are. Anyway sry for the long awaited update I lost like allllllllllll motivation but I think I got some back.
Anyway hope you liked this chapter!
Pls vote :)

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