𝐶𝐻𝐴𝑃𝑇𝐸𝑅 𝑋𝑋𝐼𝐼𝐼 {𝙱𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚘𝚘𝚖 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚏𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜}

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A/n: Okay I changed up Robins coming out story a bit, she is still a lesbian the timing of the storing is just different. If yk what I mean, it doesn't really matter but just so yous know :)

I walk around the mall looking for my drugged friends. I check by the water fountain and near scoops ahoy but no. I can't find them. Then suddenly, my brain works. If they've recently been drugged then they would need to get it out of your system and how do you get it out of your system? You throw up and where do you usually go when throwing up? The bathrooms.
I run to the bathrooms but I don't barge in. I open the door a little bit to see if they are there. They are.
"Have you ever been in love?" Robin asks Steve. All of a sudden I don't want to go and tell Erica and Dustin I've found them. I want to listen to their conversation. I know it's bad but that question I have to hear the answer to.

"Yeah. Nancy wheeler, first semester, senior year." Okay, that hurts a little but I haven't exactly been perfect to Steve. I sit down and lean against the wall outside the bathrooms still listening to their conversation.
"Oh my god. Such a priss." Thank you Robin. "Are you still in love with Nancy?" She asks him.
"No. You know I think I've found someone a little better for me." A little. That hurts more. "She's kind and funny you know this past year and half I think I have laughed harder than ever before. She's smart, not perfectly smart but still way smarter than me." That didn't hurt, that was nice. "And she talks funny." Honestly Steven. "She's unlike anyone I've ever met before. And I don't even know why she moved to Hawkins! But I'm glad she did and I just feel so bad for bringing her into all this crazy shit. But sometimes I think she doesn't take my feelings seriously." Robin doesn't respond, I wouldn't either. I feel bad that Steve feels that way. "Robin? Robin did you just OD in there?" He asks her.
"I am. Still alive." She sighs.
Steve slides underneath the doors over to her. "The floors disgusting."
"Yeah well I already got a bunch of blood and puke on my shirt so..." He pauses. "What do yo think?" He asks.
"This girl."
"Oh. I think she's amazing I think Y/n really is-
"How'd you know I was talking about Y/n?"
"Well she's your girlfriend and you two seem perfect for each other."
"Yeah thanks."
"...are you talking about Y/n?"
"Yes. Yes of course I am." Steve nods rather aggressively. "Yeah so what do you think of her? Because I need another female opinion and I think I can trust you pretty well, you're a girl and your friends with Y/n. So tell me what do you think of her?"

Robin POV
I didn't have to do this, I didn't have to tell Steve what I was thinking but I did.
"Listen I think she's amazing. She's pretty." I look around. "She's fun. She's yeah she's as you said she talks funny." I look down at my drawn on shoes.
"So what's wrong? You seem weird about it."
"Do you remember what I said about Mrs Clicks class, last year in Mrs Clicks class how I said I was obsessed with you." Steve nods.
"Did did you like me?-
"No!" I say not letting Steve go on further. "No. It's not because I had a crush on you. It's because she wouldn't stop staring at you."
"Mrs click?"
"Y/n. I wanted her to look at me. But she couldn't pull her eyes away from you and your stupid hair! And I didn't understand because at the time you didn't even like her o-or maybe you did but it didn't look like it because she would look at you like you could cure depression but you didn't even glance at her unless she answered a question. So I would just run homes and scream into my pillow because I wanted that Australian voice talking to me." I sigh as I try not to cry with angry tears.
"But Y/ns a girl?" Steve says not quite understanding what I was trying to say.
"Steve...." I say looking him in the eyes.
"Yeah?" I give him a sort of 'that's the point' smile which makes him realise. "Oh."
"Yeah oh." We both stay quite. "Holy shit." I mumble.

"Well she's not all that great." Steve sighs after awhile of silence.
"What!? She's your girlfriend you can't say that." I say shocked.
"Well I do really like her but she can't even say I love you. I've never even seen her write it let alone say it. Not even to her parents. She won't even let me say it. I just want her to know that my feeling are there, they are serious."
"I'm sorry." But Steve just begins to laugh. "What?"
"Nothing it's just." He pauses and laughs. "We're sitting here talking about the girl we're both in love with one of us dating her and I'm not even bothered by it." He laughs some more. "And now I'm telling you what a hard person she is to date."
I laugh for a bit but then I realise what he said. "Steve."
"If you want her to take your feelings seriously I wouldn't be saying that stuff about her you know."
"Yeah but what's the point? She probably doesn't even like me. She's probably gonna move back to Australia at the end of the year anyway. Have her perfect relationship with Harry and not have to worry about all of the crazy shit that happened to her."
"But Steve she went through that crazy shit with you. And she's probably just scared about what will happen if she does tell you how she really feels. That she does love you." I smile trying to convince Steve that she does like him. "Trust me, I've seen how she stares at you when you're not looking."
"Thanks. I guess we'll just have to see." He pauses then looks at me. "Do you still like her?"
"I I don't think so. You know Tammy Thompson?"
"God no. She's a dud don't go for her!"
"She is not!"
"She wants to be like singer."
"She has dreams."
"She can't even hold a tune." He then does a very bad attempt at her voice.
"She does not sound like that! You sound like a muppet."
"She sounds like a muppet! She sounds like a muppet giving birth!" We burst into laughter then both try to sing like her. I'm glad I told Steve and I hope Y/n does realise she loves Steve because it's obvious to anyone who would see her look at him.

Hope you like the change in robins coming out story I'm not sure how I feel ab it but yk.
Pls vote :)

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