𝐶𝐻𝐴𝑃𝑇𝐸𝑅 𝑋𝑋𝑋𝐼𝐼𝐼 {𝙼𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚌𝚜 𝚒𝚖𝚙𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚝}

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"Hey is it just me or has Max been over there quite a while?" Lucas asks.
"Shit." Steve and I get up and run towards her, Lucas and Dustin follow. When we get to Max sure enough she's in the trance, we shake her and scream at her to wake up but of course it's not working.
"Go to the car and call Nancy and Robin!" Steve yells frantically at Dustin. "Now!" Dustin scrambles away to the car almost falling over a few times.
"MAX OPEN YOUR GODDAMN EYES! PLEASE!" I yell at her, her eyes are technically open but they're rolled back into her head and it's scary and upsetting. We all continue yelling at her trying to snap her back to reality but nothings working. Lucas holds her hand and says comforting things to her which is just the sweetest thing that boy could do. I look over at Dustin who is standing on top of the car trying to get a signal, finally it looks like he has one or they've finally picked up. He comes sprinting back over with all of Max's music tapes, he almost throws them on the ground.
"Careful with the tapes Mate they're fragile!" I yell still kinda confused at why we need them.
"What's her favourite song!?" Dustin asks completely ignoring what I said.
"WHATS. HER. FAVOURITE. SONG." Dustin repeats.
"Um...." Lucas says thinking.
"Uh probably....." I start thinking too, we're the closet with Max so it's most likely we would know. "Kate bush, something by Kate bush-
"There's a lot of Kate bush here!"
"Give them to me!" I yell back at Dustin, grabbing some of the tapes. After looking at about 3 of them I find one labeled 'Running Up That Hill, Kate Bush.' "This! I think it's this one!" Lucas leans over and looks over at it.
"Yes! That's it!" He agrees. Dustin takes it and puts it her tape player (whatever tf it was called) then places the headphones on her ears. She sits there for a while her eyes still white when suddenly, she's lifted into the air just like Eddie said happened to Chrissy.
"Oh shit!" I exclaim as we all lean back in shock. "It's gotta work right?"
"It'll work Y/n." Steve says grabbing my hand. "It's got to." I don't know the science behind the music shit but I pray to god that it works.
She falls, Max falls back to the ground landing in Lucas's arms. She's safe.
"Oh thank fuck!" I yell. "Are you okay?" I ask her, she holds on tightly to Lucas. We all comfort her as much as we can.

Time skip

We had all gone back to the Wheelers house after getting Max out of the curse. We all stayed in the basement and slept on whatever we could, Robin's head was rested on the table, Max slept on the end of the couch, Lucas was lying on some cushions, Dustin was lying on a blanket and me and Steve were on the other end of the couch. Nancy had stayed in her own room. I woke up to see everyone else had left the basement, I looked around until I met Steve's eyes.
"Jesus! What were you doing staring at me for an hour!?" I whisper yell.
"Only like 15 minutes." He shrugs. "You look so stupid when u sleep." He smiles.
"You're meant to say pretty but stupid works too I guess." I say lying my head back down. "I'm going back to sleep." I say beginning to close my eyes,
"Uh no, no you're not." Steve says shaking me. "We gotta do stuff today."
"Discovering some other stuff out, trying to figure out a way to clear Eddie's name." Steve says.
"Well that's difficult stuff." I roll my eyes.
"Yeah, I guess it is.", I laugh at Steve then pull him in for a kiss. Our lips meet and I realise we haven't really kissed in quite awhile, his lips push back against mine. His tongue slips it's way into my mouth while his hands wrap around my waist. I put my hands around his neck.
"Eh hem! I would like to see no more of this thanks!" Lucas yells. Almost everyone had left the room.
Nancy walks down the stairs to the basement and tells us that we're going to the Creel house to find clues or some shit, I dunno.

Once we arrive at the creel house we all look at it in silence. It would look like a beautiful fun house to live in...........if you didn't know the back story.
"Yeah that's not creepy." Steve states.
Nancy and Steve take the nails out of the large plank of wood that had been nailed to the door.
"What exactly are we supposed to be looking for in this shit hole?" Steve asks.
"We're not sure." Nancy answers. "We just know this house is important to vecna."
"Because Max saw it in Vecna's red soup mind world?"
"Maybe it holds a clue to where Vecna is. Why's he's back. Why he killed the creels. And how to stop him before he comes back for Max." Dustin says.
"We don't think he's in there right?" Lucas asks.
"I hope not." I say looking at the house from where I stand next to Robin.
"Do we?" Lucas asks.
"Guess we'll find out." Max says surprisingly calm.
"Ready? Steve asks Nancy.
"Mhm." They let go of the plank of wood it falls on the ground blowing leaves everywhere. Steve tries the door.
"It's locked."
"Really? Why wouldn't they just leave a murder house unlocked?" I say pointing out that it was obviously gonna be locked.
"It was worth a try okay." Steve says looking at me.
"Maybe you should knock." I laugh.
"Oh yeah see if anybody's home?" Steve says laughing a little too.
"No need." Robin says, we all turn to look at her. She's holding up a brick. "I found a key." She shrugs the throws it at the door.
Steve puts his hand inside the door, being careful not to cut himself on the glass as he does so. The door opens and we all walk inside, looking at all the old decorations. So many cobwebs and lots of dust.
Lucas tries the light switch on a lamp. "Looks like someone forgot to pay the electrical bill."
"Good thing we got these then." Dustin says turning in his torch. (Or flashlight whatever you call it just don't get at me for calling it a torch, only saying that bc I'm speaking from experience. Anyway keep reading.)
"Where'd everyone get those?"Steve asks.
"Do you need to be told everything? You're not a child."
"Thank you." Steve says sarcastically, I smile at him.
Dustin hands him his bag. "Back pocket." Steve nods, grabs one then throws the bag on the ground, we walk around looking at a few things waiting to be told what to do.

Sry for that awkward kissing scene, hope u enjoyed it though.
Pls vote :)

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