𝐶𝐻𝐴𝑃𝑇𝐸𝑅 𝑋𝐼𝑋 {𝙲𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚘𝚍}

476 13 2

I actually feel heaps better after my meltdown yesterday night. Steve was his normal self, caring, kind and sarcastic.
"So we good?" Steve asks as walk through the mall.
"Yes I'm good. I promise I understand its normal for you to care so much." I nod.
"Good. Good." He says putting his arm around me.

"So what are we doing today?" I ask Dustin as we all stand around in the back room.
"We. Are. Going. To" he pauses leaving us im suspense. "Find out what's in the boxes!"
"What!? Why do you get to make the calls around here?" I ask annoyed.
"Robin agreed."
"I did."
"And I agree." Steve says. "It's three against one. We're doing it Y/n."
"Fine. Whats the plan?" I ask even more annoyed.
"Glad you asked." Dustin goes off onto this massive rant.

"The only problem is that these guards are armed to the teeth. With massive guns. So how do we get part them?" Dustin asks.
"Easy." Steve says. "I sneak up behind him knock him out take the key card bam we're in." Me and Dustin burst out laughing. "What?" Steve asks.
"Did you not hear the part about the massive gun?" Dustin asks.
"Armed to the teeth?"
"Yes I did Dustin. That's why I would be sneaking." Steve says convinced he can win against a Russian.
"Sorry but have you ever actually won a fight?" He asks.
"That was one time-
"Twice. Jonathan a year prior."
"Jonathan fucking Byers beat you in a fight?" I burst out laughing. "Oh god."
"That doesn't count."
"Because I wasn't ready."
"Oh come on! It still counts."
"Let me get this straight. You plan to take out a Russian guard but you've never actually win a fight?....." Robin asks.
"Yeah that's exactly it." I nod.
"Well does anyone have any better ideas?" Steve asks looking around.


"Push me harder!"
"I'm trying!" Steve yells to Dustin who he is trying to push into the vent. Robin had bought a map of the mall and figured out that we could get in through vents.
"Touch my butt I don't care!"
"Well this is certainly going perfect isn't it?" I laugh turning my head to Robin.
"Definitely." The bell started going off at the front desk.
"Ahoy ahoy! All hands on deck!" A small girl who resembled Lucas a bit said from the counter.
"We just need someone a little......." Robin begins still talking to me then she looks back at the girl. "Smaller."
"Guys I've got it!" Robin yells.

Time skip

"Yeah I dunno." Erica-who is Lucas's younger sister-says as she looks at all four of us from the other side of the table.
"Don't know if you can fit?" Robin asks.
"Oh no I can fit. I just don't know if I want to."
"Do you have claustrophobia?"
"I don't have phobias."
"So what's the problem?" I ask.
"I still haven't heard what's in it FOR ERICA."
"Well what do you want?" Steve asks.

Steve POV
We all sit around Erica as she slurps her drink.
"More fudge please." She smiles deviously at me. I get up and take the ice cream back to the shop to get more fudge, Y/n follows.
"So we are really doing this? We are going to break into a Russian elevator to open some boxes?" She says clearly not loving the idea.
"Apparently so. I'm sure it won't be that bad, we'll be fine." I smile at her.
"Can I have free ice cream too? Please." Y/n asked smiling innocently.
"You have plenty of money, you can pay." I laugh and she pretends to be offended.
"Correction, my mum has plenty of money that she just happens to not do much with so she gives some of it to me."
"Yeah okay same thing. What do you want?"
"(Favourite ice cream flavour) please, in a cone."
"Of course your majesty." She hands me the money and I hand her the ice cream.
"Thanks lover boy."
"Never call me that again."
"Oh trust me I will." She laughs licking her ice cream and smiling.

Finally, we convince Erica to help us break into the Russian elevator, it would just be a quick in and out trip anyway. See what's in the boxes prove it's nothing too bad then leave. Hopefully that's how it'll go.
At the moment me, Y/n, Robin and Dustin were on top of a building while Erica crawled through the vents into the elevator.
"Okay nerds, I'm in." Erica says through the walkie talkie.
"Any booby traps?" Robin asks.
"If I could see the, they'd be pretty shit traps wouldn't they?"
"Right, thanks for that." It goes quiet then the elevator doors open revealing Erica standing there.
"Free ice cream for life!" She yells to us.
"Yep we got that." Robin says, we all run back down through the mall and out into the place where the elevator is. We walk into the elevator that is full with boxes.
"So, which one do we open?" Y/n says looking around.
"Any one of them I guess. They should all hold the same thing" Robin says giving the boxes sceptical looks.
"Okay you guys might wanna step back." I say, Erica, Robin and Dustin step back. "Y/n come on."
"Nah I'm good, listen if you die I'll probably have to be the one to explain to your parents how you died. Plus you said you hate to die-
I put my hand over her mouth. She was gonna say that I would hate to die alone, which is true and I'm not quite sure why it's embarrassing I guess it just makes me sound like a depressed, head over heels teenager.
"Okay you can stay just don't finish that sentence."
"Thanks." She smiles her cocky smile then leans over as I tear open the box. I twist the lid off a metal container that was in the box, then I pick up a tube filled with green liquid it came out if the metal container.
"That is definitely not Chinese food."
"I'm glad." Y/n says looking at the tube in disgust.
"Maybe we should just take this and gooo." Robin says taking the tube out of my hands then trying to press the open door button.
"Why isn't it working?" I ask.
"Because we don't have a keycard...." Dustin says.
"Huh?" Y/n asks.
"The buttons don't work without a keycard."
"What!?" I exclaim then move over to the control panel, I press every button I can.
"Steve that was stupid!" Y/n yells trying not to get mad.
"Okay....maybe it was. But it didn't do anything so hopefully it shouldn't matter...." But of course as soon as I finish speaking the elevator shakes and shakes and then it feels like we're falling.

I don't know what to put here. But I hope you have all had a good day, hope you've all eaten, drunk water and been outside, hope you like the story.
Pls vote :)

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