𝐶𝐻𝐴𝑃𝑇𝐸𝑅 𝑋𝑋𝐼𝑋 {𝙼𝚞𝚛𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢}

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Eddie takes a deep breath then begins explaining.
"She was uh lifted up into the air." Eddie was explaining what happened. "And she just hung there....in the air and uh she, her bones started to snap. Her eyes man, it was like there was something inside her head pulling." He pauses "I...I didn't know what to do so I, I ran away. I left her there but you all think I'm crazy right?"
"No, no. We believe you." Dustin says
"Don't bullshit me man! I know how this sounds!" Eddie yells clearly stressed and scared.
"We're not bullshitting you." Max says.
"We believe you." Robin says.
"Look what I'm about to say might come as a shock." Dustin says.
"You know how people say Hawkins is cursed?"
"Well they're not far off. There's another world. Beneath Hawkins and sometimes it bleeds into ours."
"Like ghosts and shit?" Eddie asks.
"There are some things....worse than ghosts."
"These monsters, we thought they were gone but they've come back before. That's why we needed to find you."
"If they're back again,we need to know."
"That night, did you see anything?" Dustin asks
"Dark particles maybe?" Max adds
"It would almost look like dust, swirling dust."
"No man, there was nothing you could see or touch." Eddie pauses again. "You know I tried to wake her man, she couldn't move. It was like she was in a trance or something."
"Or under a spell."
"A curse."
"Vecna's curse."
"Who's vecna?" Steve asks.
"An undead creature of great power."
"A spell caster."
"A dark wizard."
"Like from lord of the rings?" I laugh.
"Shut up Y/n!" Dustin yells at me.

"So what is the plan?" I ask after we all took in the information.
"Get Eddie food and meet back here tomorrow? Then figure out a plan?" Steve suggest.
"That works for me." I nod.
"Everything works for you." Dustin rolls his eyes.
"Yo why you gotta hate on the Australian man." I shake my head (I'm sry I had to add that bc that's something I would say and I find it so funny 😭).
"Yeah sure let's do that." Eddie agrees.
"Kay see ya then byeeee." I say as we walk out if the boat house and back to Steve's car.

Time skip

We push open the door to the boat house and walk in. We obviously startled Eddie because he was pointing a knife at us.
"Calm down its just us. Your food delivers." I say sitting down on a random chair I found.
"Okay we've got bad news and good news, how do you prefer it?" Dustin says to Eddie as Robin leans on the back of my chair.
"Bad news first always." Eddie says through a mouthful of food.
"Okay so bad news is the Police are definitely looking for you and almost everyone is convinced you killed Chrissy."
"Like 100% kinda sure"
"Well shit. Good news?" Eddie asks.
"The good news is that your name hasn't gone public yet but if we found out about you it's only a matter of time before others do too, then everyone and their shallow minded mothers will be gunning at you." Robin says from behind me.
"Hunt the freak right?"
"So before that happens we just have to kill vecna then prove your innocence." Dustin says
"Really Dustin? That's all?" Eddie says annoyed.
"Yeah pretty much it."
"Listen Eddie, I know what Dustin is saying sounds totally delusional but they've actually been through it a few times, I have once, mine was more human-flesh related and theirs was more smoke related but my point is I really feel like we got this!" Robin says.
"We usually rely on this girl with super powers but uh those went bye bye. So we're technically-
"Technically in a in a-
"A brain storming faze." Max says
"But there's nothing to worry about." Dustin says with a very un-assuring tone in his voice.
Sirens wail in the distance.
"Shit uh tarp tarp!" Robin yells to Eddie, we walk over to the window to see cops and an ambulance drive by.

"Okay, so the plan is. Eddie stays here and we go try to kill Vecna hoping that we'll somehow be able to clear his name in doing so?" I ask not exactly seeing how it will help us clear Eddie's name.
"Yeah basically." Dustin nods.
"Okay thennnnn."
"Well Eddie we'll see you in a few days with an update. Bye." Dustin says, we all get up and walk out of shed.
"So where are we going?" I ask as Steve starts driving.
"To the trailer park." Steve answers.
"To see if there's any clues on what happened to Chrissy." Dustin adds.
"Okay." I nod. I have honestly given up trying to stay out of this crazy shit, I'll probably die one day but who cares.

We pull up to the trailer park to see a bunch of cops and Nancy. We all get out and look at her with sought or confusion.
"What's going on?" I ask.
"Listen...." Dustin says kind of leaning forward. "There must of been another murder." He says. Nancy spots us and sort of waves us off a bit, we get back in the car and wait until she's finished talking to the police men.

"So you're saying that the thing that killed Chrissy and Fred is from the upside down?" Nancy asks as we all sit at the picnic table explaining out theory.
"If the shoe fits." Steve mumbles.
"Our theory is a working progress we think he attacks with a spell a curse maybe?" Dustin pauses then continues. "We don't know if he's doing the mind flayer bidding or if he just likes killing teens. We don't really know."
"All we know is that it's something new. Something different." Max says
"It doesn't make sense." Nancy says.
"It's only a theory." Dustin shrugs
"No Fred and Chrissy don't make sense, why them?"
"Maybe they were just in the wrong place?" Dustin says "They we're both at the game."
"And the trailer park." Max adds
"We're at the trailer park." Steve says looking around, he grabs my hand which is kinda cute. "Maybe we shouldn't be here."
"There is something about this place. Fred started acting weird the moment we got here."
"Weird as in...? Robin asks.
"Scared, on edge, upset."
"Max said Chrissy was upset too."
"Yeah but not here. She was crying in the bathroom at school."
"Serial killers stalk their pray before they kill right?" Robin says "maybe they saw this vecman-
"Vecna." Dustin corrects her
"Dunno about you, but if I saw some freaky weird wizard monster, I would mention it to someone." Steve says.
"Maybe they did." Max suggests. "I saw Chrissy leaving Ms. Kelly's office, if you saw a monster you wouldn't go to the police but You might go to-
"Your shrink." Robin says.
We had worked out a plan to go to Ms. Kelly's house, Max would take the keys to her office and then we would look through the files. Hopefully we find something.

God finally! Getting to the plot makes it so much easier to write! Also I got the day off school today so might have a few chapters out today.
Pls vote :)

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