Chapter 1: The Typical Suburban Family

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We open our story to a typical suburban household. Not much went on in this house, but it did have its secrets. The parents of Eric are named Jolene And Harry, they have a son Eric (that's me) I'm 14 and my birthday is next week and a daughter named Tayla (my bratty sister) who is only 5 years old, and lastly my baby brother Ethan, who last I knew was only 3 years old. This family is like any typical suburban family in the sense of we weren't very high class, my mum worked as a teacher at the local primary school and my dad was a car mechanic. Now these jobs may seem like jobs some people could only dream of but to others they were jobs nobody would have, even if it meant that most nights there wasn't a nice meal on the table, and with 2 kids and Ethan not being born yet sadly that fact is true. My family was only small but to me and Tayla it was the whole world. My childhood growing up was quite normal and boring, as a usual suburban boy I didnt have much going on in my life, I had my school, I had my friends, I had my family and I had me, but 1 thing I did know by the time I was 10 years old, I knew there was something different about me and I also knew why. As I grew up struggling with finances I did what any usual suburban boy would do, I got myself a job at the age of 16 to help support my family, Ethan by this time was almost 1 year old. During the years I found myself working quite a few different jobs, but I had to start somewhere, so I found myself working at Mcdonalds. Mcdonalds was the worst place I could have ever worked, but my family needed me and I needed them, so I stuck with it. I guess the story actually begins at the very start of my family, beginning when my sister had just been born, but I didn't know until I was sitting down in the hospital ward with her in my arms and looking down at her, that she would be joining our family and changing everything I had known and was comfortable with.

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