Chapter 13: The Hangover

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I woke up the next morning and I had a headache, I was trying to remember what happened last night but I couldn't piece the puzzle together, my shirt was unbuttoned, my pants were around my ankles and I was lying in my bed, nobody was around. I checked my phone to see if I could make sense of what happened last night and I saw I had 2 missed calls from Jordan and a text message from Adam saying 'thank you for last night, we must do it again sometime' as soon as I read that message it felt my brain had been unlocked and I could remeber every single detail that had occurred. I sat up in my bed, and immediately put my head in my hands and cried, remembering that I had cheated on my boyfriend last night, because I was lonely. I gave Jordan a call and found out what was up, he sounded very worried and I assured him I was ok. He asked me why I didn't answer my phone when he had called and I had to lie to him and say that I got an early night sleep because I was studying the night before and hadn't gotten any sleep. I had the day of university which I was glad for, because I could spend the whole day studying for the finals which was in 2 days time. For the next 2 days I was regretting my decision but I cleared my mind of my regret and studied harder than I ever had in my life, the day of the test I woke up and I felt like I hadn't slept in a week. I sleepily got ready for school and made my way out, when I had I arrived I saw Jordan getting out of his car, he seemed quite at ease and happy with himself. I went up to him, said hey, he gave me a kiss and a hug and told me in a quite voice that he had missed me so much. The test was in the final 2 periods of the day, we had prepared for this day so much and the time was finally here, we had sat down and started, 2 hours later the test had finished and we were handing it up to the teacher, we walked out of the study hall and the sun beat down on our faces, it was the best feeling in the world, Jordan walked up to me and put his arms around my waist and rested his head on my shoulder relieved that it was finally over, I asked him how he thinks he did and he told me he was nervous for the result and I didn't want to tell him but I was quite confident with my performance and the answers, seeing as I had concentrated more on him in class than what the teacher was actually saying. Jordan asked me if I wanted him to come over for the night and I explained to him that I was overtired and I really wanted to go home to bed and he made me an offer to go to bed together, I was way too tired so I had to decline the offer. He was upset but understood. I said that he can drive me home if he wanted and he agreed, I almost fell asleep on the drive back, but I managed to keep my eyes open, when we got to my house I jumped out of the car, went around to the driver's side and he jumped out as well, I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him, I apologised that I couldn't spend time with him that night but he said not too to worry about it. I went inside, went into my bedroom and looked out my window and watched him drive off into the sunset. I took my clothes off and put my pyjamas on, slipped into bed and was asleep in minutes.

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