Chapter 11: The Biggest Mistake

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I opened my eyes to try and remember what happened last night, I saw Jordan beside me asleep and vague memories of last night popped back into my head. I looked at the clock and it read 6:30am, the sun started to crack on the horizon and the day started getting brighter and brighter, I sat there laying down and thinking to myself why I suddenly felt all these feelings towards Adam. I must have fallen asleep again because the next time I looked over at the clock it ready 9:30am. I woke up Jordan and reminded him that we left his car at the bar last night, he woke up and started panicking, that car was his pride and joy so it's only natural he was worried, I calmed him down and we called a taxi, we got ready and we returned to the rainbow bar to pick up his car, once we got into his car he drove me back home, we said goodbye and he left. For the next couple of weeks me and Jordan weren't able to see each other, finals were coming up for the first half year exams so we spent most of our time apart. We weren't able to talk during class and Jordan was studying in the library during lunch time, he was also studying outside of school hours. After a few weeks I started getting very lonely so I decided I was going to go out, I went to the rainbow bar and Adam was working, we got to talking and I found out he was finished his shift in a few hours and he asked if I wanted to do something after he finishes work. I agreed and it was a decision I would come to regret for the rest of my life. During Adam's shift me and him would talk a little bit and he would be dropping subtle hints that he wanted to do much more than I had in mind, but I was kind of into how mysterious he was being. I met a few other guys one named Josh And one named Jack, we got to know each other and before I knew it we were having a couple drinks together and laughing and having fun. I found out that Jack was best friends with Josh but was in fact straight, Josh wanted someone to go with him to the bar and Jack had agreed, Jack was actually in a relationship and so was Josh, but their partners decided to stay home because Josh and Jack hadn't seen each other in quite a while as Josh lives in Perth WA and Jack lives in Sydney NSW, so Josh lives quite far away from Jack. Adam finishes his shift and comes over to me and grabs me by the shoulder to tell me that he's ready to go, I say goodbye to Josh and Jack and leave them talking amongst themselves. We left the bar and he told me he parked his car a little way up the street, as we get to the car he opens the door for me and I get in, I get smacked in the face with a beautiful new car smell that smells of black roses. Adam got in the car, started it up and asked where I wanted to go, I told him it was up to him and he told me there was a place about a 10 minute drive away, I was very excited to experience new things, so he put the address into the gps and we set off. 10 minutes later we pulled up out the front of a club, there was quite a few guys lined up outside the door waiting to get in, I looked up at the name of the club, the sign read The Sausage Wagon, I sat there for a few minutes until my mind clicked, this was a gay strip club.

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