Chapter 19: The New Family

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I got a worrying text message from my best friend Lizzie saying that her, her partner and their daughter were about to be evicted from their house, i spoke to Jordan about it and he agreed immediately that they have to move in with us, we have enough room and we adore them and they adore us so there was no question about them moving in with us, they had told us they loved our house the moment they stepped foot into it. I texted them back as we walked into the adoption centre, we sat in the waiting room for an hour and a half waiting to see someone about the adoption, until finally our name was called, we told the agency why we wanted to adopt a child and our situation, they were worried about the health and care the child would receive so we assured them we are both responsible and respectable people who would always put the child before our own needs, we also mentioned that another couple was moving into the house in a couple of days and they also have a daughter. The adoption agency told us they would send someone out to inspect the house to see if it was safe to have a child in it, so we agreed and left, I could see Jordan was very upset about the outcome, so I put my arms around him, laid my head on his shoulder and kissed him on the chin, I told him that everything would be ok and our family would begin. A couple of days later, Lizzie, Donna and their daughter Sadie had moved into the house, I absolutely loved the idea of then staying with us because I loved Sadie like she was my own neice, I had looked after her on days that Lizzie and Donna needed some time alone and they trusted me fully. A few days went by and everything was going smoothly, Lizzie and Donna started decorating Sadie's room and were extremely happy that his room was connected to theirs via a door. All of a sudden the doorbell rang, Lizzie and Donna were asleep so I was babysitting little Sadie until they woke up, with Sadie in my arms I walked to the front door to be greeted by an agent who said she was from the adoption centre, damn the adoption centre I'd almost forgotten there was someone coming out, we hadn't baby proofed the house very much yet as ethan was only just starting to walk so we didn't have much need too. The agent inspected the house and was very impressed, I had to excuse myself one time because Sadie needed my attention. The agent left the house and that was that. Jordan arrived home at approximately 3pm that afternoon and I told him that the agent came an inspected the house and we hoped that we would be accepted, 2 days later we got a letter in the mail saying congratulations you have been approved to adopt your child, come into the office on Monday and we will go from there. We both re-read the letter over and over again because we couldn't believe what we had just read. Monday rolled around and we had gone to the adoption centre, we filled out the paperwork and signed for our child, she was bought out and we instantly fell in love with her, her name was Chloe. We took Chloe home and put her into her bedroom which was right across the hall, the days prior to this we had gotten everything that a child needs and we began to prepare everything. Chloe grew up a healthy happy little girl and before we knew it was starting her first day of primary school.

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