best friend's brother ; huening kai

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txt top!kai x bottom!reader
warnings : light swearing
desc : where y/n is secretly dating his best friend's brother.


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kai sighed in content as his hands gently ran through his boyfriend's soft hair. the two were currently in kai's bedroom watching a movie together, y/n's head on kai's chest and arms around him. there was nothing y/n enjoyed more than the delicate hands of his boyfriend brushing through his hair.

just as y/n could feel himself starting to drift off, someone knocked on kai's door. they exchanged a quick glance warily before separating and looking back at the door.

"who is it?"


y/n quickly moved farther away from the other, his heart picking up a bit. he looked at kai with wide eyes, as if asking what to do. kai said nothing but shook his head to dismiss the male's worry. when it came to their secret from his sister, he'd gotten pretty good at playing it cool. y/n couldn't say the same, however.

"can i help you?" kai said once he'd opened the door, subtly keeping it open to a minimum to hide his boyfriend.

"i need you to-.. y/n?"

apparently, he didn't hide him well enough.

"oh.. hiii," y/n trailed off with a faint smile in attempt to be nonchalant. kai opened his door fully now, internally saying some choice words at himself for letting her see. kai never really minded if his sister found out, but he knew y/n couldn't help but feel anxious around the subject, so he tried his best to keep their secret.

"what're you doing here? i thought you went home after our study session like half an hour ago." bahiyyih asked with furrowed brows.

"uh.. well, i-"

"it's a surprise. do you want to ruin your surprise?" kai interrupted. bahiyyih's eyes widened before a smile curved on her lips.

"no, nevermind! but i still need you to come help me put groceries away."

"okay, we'll be down in a second."

bahiyyih nodded and skipped back to the kitchen, kai closing the door behind her. he turned to look at his red faced boyfriend, who flopped back down on the bed with a groan.

"she keeps almost finding out, hyuka.."

"baby, eventually she'll actually find out. are you sure you don't wanna just tell her?"

y/n sat back up and pulled his legs to his chest, quiet. kai sighed and went to sit beside him. he wrapped his arms around the smaller gently.

"i'm fine with doing whatever makes you most comfortable, but i think us lying to her would be more of an issue with her than us dating."

y/n shook his head softly.

"she wouldn't like it.. she told me how people at school used to try to be friends with her just to get to you."

kai couldn't help but laugh a little at those words. oh, how paranoid, albeit cute, his boyfriend was.

"baby, listen to me," he said as he moved his hand to cup the other's face comfortingly. "you guys have been friends for like, two years now? i don't think anyone would put that much effort into 'getting to me'. you had nothing but good intentions and you're a good person and friend to her. you didn't even know i existed until a couple weeks after you guys met, too. you're adorable for being so worried about this, but i genuinely think you're overthinking it."

y/n looked at him in awe. how could one person have the ability to make his nervousness simply disappear and instead make his heart go haywire. he smiled softly and nodded, receiving a gentle kiss placed on his nose from the taller.

"c'mon, let's go help her." kai said softly, taking his hand to leave.


a couple days passed as y/n thought over what his boyfriend had said before. he really wanted to tell bahiyyih, however, his anxiety was simply not agreeing. he finally decided with some more comforting from kai that it was time to tell her. the three were now in the siblings' house hanging out together.

"hiyyih.. i have- we have something to tell you."

bahiyyih sat down quickly, concerned at the tone of her friend's voice. kai sat next to y/n and took his hand in support. this didn't go unnoticed to bahiyyih, confusing her a little, but overall brushing it off out of concern for whatever news she was about to receive.

"just.. no matter what, please remember you're my best friend, okay?" y/n said softly. bahiyyih stayed silent. she looked between her brother and her friend impatiently.

".. kai and i are boyfriends."


she looked again between the two of them. her left brow pricked up after her brain processed the information.

"that's it?! you made me think someone died!"

y/n exhaled heavily from relief, looking beside himself toward kai with a smile.

"you're not mad?"

"why would i be mad?? you guys would be cute together." she said happily, ruffling his hair playfully.

"i just thought since.. those stories you told me about your friends using you.." y/n trailed off as bahiyyih laughed lightly.

"bitch, those were snakes, you're an angel. i know you'd never do something like that."

y/n smiled and sat back in his seat. a huge weight was now off his shoulders, and he couldn't be more grateful for such a positive reaction. he suddenly felt eyes on him, the eyes of his boyfriend. kai was sitting silently just looking at the male with an expression he couldn't quite read.

"stop looking at me like that.." y/n quickly covered his face to block the other's view, making kai chuckle.

"i told you she'd be cool with it, didn't i?"

"yeah, yeah."

kai just smiled and kissed his cheek gently.

"okay, yes, i'm cool with it, but you don't have to do it in front of me." bahiyyih said before faking a gag.

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