roomies ; kim jongin/kai + oh sehun

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exo top!jongin x btm!reader x top!sehun
warnings : none
desc : where jongin and sehun move into a new house with their boyfriend.
* requested


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y/n dropped the box in his arms with a large huff before falling dramatically to the floor, exhausted. the cold feeling of the hardwood against his skin was more than refreshing and very much needed after a long day of moving.

"hey, love.. you okay?" jongin asked with a small frown as he watched his boyfriend catch his breath on the ground. y/n's eyes shifted to the male, unaware that he was in the room.

"i'm fine, babe," he responded warmly. jongin wasn't very convinced. he set down the box he'd been carrying from the moving truck and went to lay beside y/n, instantly taking the shorter into his arms.

y/n hummed in satisfaction at the feeling of jongin's body around his own. his eyes suddenly became very heavy, and it finally occurred to him that a nap was probably in his best interest right about now. the other's hand began grazing trails up and down his arm, which only lulled him to sleep faster.

jongin smiled to himself as he watched his boyfriend slowly fall asleep in his embrace. all the moving they'd been doing had definitely been the hardest on y/n with the stress and exhaustion, so he was glad to see him resting.

sehun soon came into the house with a couple bags of clothes he planned to take to the large walk-in closet in their bedroom, but quickly stopped after seeing his partners on the living room floor. he set the bags aside and adjusted his hat so he could see better. his chest heaved a little while walking closer to them.

"adorable," he mumbled to himself as he admired the view in front of him. he sat down on the other side of y/n while jongin gazed at him with a content smile. sehun's hand gently moved some hair away from y/n's eyes before grazing his cheek as well.

"help me get him to bed?" jongin asked. sehun looked at him again and nodded happily.

y/n groaned a little when jongin's arms moved to pick him up. he frowned and held onto him like his life depended on it.

"we're just taking you to bed, baby," jongin whispered. y/n kept his eyes closed and nodded slowly.

jongin carried the smaller to their bedroom, where the only fixed piece of furniture, their bed, was waiting. sehun quickly pulled the covers down while jongin set their boyfriend down gently.

"glad we decided to set up the bed earlier," sehun noted quietly. jongin chuckled and nodded.

the pair began tucking y/n into bed and making sure he was comfortable. y/n stirred after a second, his eyes barely opening.

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