care for you ; choi soobin

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txt top!soobin x bottom!reader
warnings : absolutely none this is pure fluff
desc : where soobin takes care of his stressed boyfriend
( a/n ) honestly idk how good this is, i've been a little sad lately and wanted to write smth comforting so i didnt worry about making it super interesting </3


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soobin cautiously closed the front door of his shared apartment with his boyfriend after entering. he could hear the faint sound of the tv coming from their bedroom, the wind rises still playing just as it was before he left to get groceries for their dinner. he assumed his boyfriend was still fast asleep, grateful that he was getting some much needed rest.

y/n woke up that morning in a very drained and emotionally tired state. after some convincing from soobin, he called into work and decided to take a mental health day. soobin had been worried about him for weeks if he was honest. it was easy to see the other was stressed, so he made the decision to also stay home to take care of him and be there for whatever he needed. although, if anyone asked y/n, he'd say that all he needs is his boyfriend.

soobin set the bags of food and ingredients on the kitchen counter before heading to their bedroom to check on him. as expected, y/n was curled up in his blankets with a couple of his favorite plushes snuggled up around him. the taller's heart swelled at such a sight, a smile turning on his lips. he walked over to y/n's side as quietly as he could manage and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead.

soobin's attention then moved to the tv, seeing that the movie was almost over. he watched for a moment as jiro and caproni stood in the wind, the last scene before the end credits. he decided to turn it off and start a new film, as he wanted y/n to have something to wake up to.

once the new movie began, he took another glance at his boyfriend before leaving their room to start dinner. the setting sun poured beautifully into the apartment, which made him feel all the more at peace. he loved having someone to care for and support, especially when it was y/n.

after only ten minutes into cooking, he heard small footsteps pattering into the kitchen. he turned to see his still very sleepy love, silently cooing as the male rubbed his eyes and held a plush of his favorite pokémon.

"baby, what're you doing up?" he asked while setting his cooking spoon down. y/n walked over to the taller and moved his arms around his waist, hugging him tightly.

"missed you," y/n answered in a small voice.

soobin's chest filled with warmth as another smile lifted on his lips. he happily returned the hug, feeling his boyfriend nuzzle into his chest. y/n was a bit obsessed with their height difference, hugs were always perfect and he had to look up in order to receive a kiss from the taller.

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