Chapter 1 : Father knows best

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TW : Shouting , blood and fighting

5 years later......

Gregory's POV:

I don't know why I was born half-alive but now I am 16 years old. It's been 5 years since the incident at the plex. I doubt the animatronics remember me, especially Glamrock Ballora. Glamrock Ballora is possessed by mom, she was killed by grandfather on accident. Then she possessed Glamrock Ballora after that day, I really wish I can her again. But dad said I can't leave this forest without his permission. Who needs permission from their parents when that their are already teenager. " Arghhhhh, " I whispered, and I heard dad came outside with me. " Hey kiddo, so what are you looking at? " said dad, but I stayed silent for a bit.

" I was looking at the forest, that's all, "I said and continued looking at it. " You know, remember the phrase, Father know best, " dad said, and I nodded. " Welp, I need to run some errands. I will be home before you know it, Gregory, " said dad, as he put his foxy mask on the side his head. Then he grabbed his weapons and went to the car, then drive off to Hurricane. And I just wish why did dad had to bring all this stuff to work. I thought he worked for Fazbear entertainment. Probably for something for work. I just wish we lived as a family again. After what happened, when I was kid, there was accident and I almost got killed. But dad saved me, and my parents thought if I lived time away from the city all of my childhood's trauma.

It was my father's idea to lived here, not all of my parents really agreed. But father is right, though, " Father knows best, " I said to myself. My dad was always right and he homeschooled me. He can't sent me to actually school because of my safety. Then I was knocked out of my trance when I heard rustling from the bushes. I went back inside of the house, and locked it, then made sure it was locked. I inhaled and exhaled to calm myself down. Then I decided to clean the house for a bit because I saw the house is a bit dirty. " Well, time to get work, " I said to myself. Then I started to clean this house....

After 3 hours of cleaning the house I was done at last. I decided to go to my room, and draw because I want to. But every time I drew something, it was always about my nightmares of the Mega Pizzaplex. I never told dad about it, but he did got me a some therapy for my trauma I had when I went to the plex when I was 11 years old. But I remember when Vanny gave me the blind eye. She is the reason why I am blind in my left eye, but I managed to navigate with my right eye. But I cover my blind eye with my streaked hair, for now let's go continue drawing.

When I saw the drawing, it was other of my nightmares but this one was different than the one I normally have. I saw a boy in the water, drowning but not just some random boy. It was me, and I had to hide the drawing again like the other ones. I hid it in my secret drawer, that no one can find it. I looked at the time, and dad was going is to be here soon. I got up, left my room and cook some dinner. I decided to make one of me and dad's favorites, and well dad was doing some work because he working at Fazbear entertainment. " Okay, the food is almost ready and dad should be home soon, " I said as I tried memorized everything. Then I saw dad's car pulled up outside and I went outside to see him.  

As I opened the door to see dad. I saw he was covered in blood and I felt like I was going to puke. So I went back inside and I sat down, then waited for dad come inside. He was covered in blood, then I remembered something. One of my nightmares, that one day he will come home covered in blood and one of my drawing I drew. That show me, that, father will come home, covered in blood. ' Was he in a killing spree, or, was he attacked' all of these thoughts come rushing at once. Then dad closed the door of the house and locked it. I stayed silent, and he went upstairs to take shower. I just sat at the dining room, and thought about what he did. I got up and prepare the table. Then dad came down the stairs and we sat down. Then we started to eat our dinner.

After dinner, I washed all the dishes in the sink. Then I went to the front pouch to talked to dad, " Dad, why were you covered in blood? When you got home, " I asked warily, and he turned to me. With his purple eyes, " Gregory, you saw that, " he said, and I nodded. " I can't tell you, it's secret, " he said, and I was surprised that he didn't want to me. " Why, every time I ask something about mom or papa or my older siblings, you never tell me what happened to them. But at least I knew what happened to mom, because she told, " I said with a bit angry. Dad, he was mad and shock, " What did you say, that you found out what happened to her? " dad asked with a bit angry in his voice. " Yes, mom said that she was killed by grandfather by accident. That's what she told me, " I said, trying to hold back tears. 

" How did found out about this? " dad asked, and I was hesitant at first. " 5 years ago, she told me to tell you when you were ready to know. If you want information where I got it, I got it from animatronic named Glamrock Ballora. Because mom possessed Glamrock Ballora, " I talked back at him. " Don't you dare talk back at me, young man, " dad said, " Then why were you covered in blood when you got home, then? " I repeated the question again. " I can't tell you, okay. I am doing this to protect you, " he said, as he avoided the question again. " Why just why, " I asked, and I went back inside of the house. " Gregory, please, " dad said, as he followed me back to the house.

 " Don't talk to me, dad. You never tell me anything, anymore, " I said, and the tears finally fell from my face. I went upstairs but dad kept following me to my room. I went into my room, and slammed the door at his face then locked it. I sat down on my chair next my desk, and dad was yelling at me from the other side of the door. " GREGORY EVAN ROSE-AFTON, OPEN THIS DOOR, NOW" he shouted, but I didn't. I curled up into a ball and cried into my knees. Dad was banging on the door, and I was crying about never tell me anything, anymore. He always say to protect me from thing I can't protect myself from. He always overprotective and I hated it when he was overprotective. I kept on crying and crying until fell asleep. But before I fell asleep, I recited dad's phrase, " Father knows best, " I said before I fell unconscious.      

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