Chapter 9 : My nightmare was my past!?!?!?!?!

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(The photo above is the crystal rose from Gregory's nightmare/memory)

Gregory's POV :

I was laying on the couch and I had a blanket around me. Evan and dad were talking but more like arguing. " He could of got hurt, Evan. I don't want him to grown up to be me, " dad argued, " But I still kept him safe, Michael, " Evan argued back. Papa was trying to comfort me about what happened. After a few more minutes of arguing, I got up and went to my room. I slammed the door, so everyone in the house heard it. I went to my desk and I decided to draw my nightmare again. I put on my headphone and put on my song. I started to hum the tune.

I was in the middle of drawing my nightmare again. Until I felt a tap on my shoulder, I put off my headphones and on them on my neck. I turned my body to see, Dad, Evan and papa who tapped my shoulder. " What do you need? " I asked without crying. " Can we see your drawings the ones, you show us earlier? " dad asked with serious voice. I opened my secret drawer, took them all out and show them to dad, Evan and papa. " Here, " I said with a bit of fear in my voice.

They look through them and Dad look at Evan. " I think it is time to tell you the truth. What happened when you were 9 years old. Okay follow me, I will show something, " dad said and I got up. I gulped and followed him to downstairs, then we were in front of the door, that I am not suppose to open. Then dad took out a key, and then he unlocked the door. He opened it, to revealed a set of stairs going into the basement. 

We went down the stairs, as we made it on down. I saw a rose in dome case made of glass, not some random rose. But the crystal rose from my nightmare, then I looked at dad and he nodded. I came closer to the rose, the more I look at it. I had memories coming to me, from my nightmare. I put my hands on my head, and realizing that my nightmare was a memory. The rose, V̵̢̭̮͒̉̈́̈́i̷̜͈̭̓̑͘ŕ̶̹̲̥̽̄̉͑ú̶̳̱͇̇̅̆s̸̢̨͊͋t̸̓̽̓̉̓̒̋r̵̲͎͋̕a̴̪̗͍͍͔͑p and the lake with the wooded deck was coming back to me. My nightmare I had since I was 9, was my memory. " Why didn't I remember? " I asked, and dad was silent. I took my hands off of my head. 

I turned to dad, " Dad, why didn't I remember this? The nightmares I had, the drawing I drew and the black smoke that knew my name. It was something that experienced, my nightmare was a memory, " I cried at dad. " Why did you had to hide from me? " I asked/cried, and he was silent. Then he spoke, " The accident you had, happened when you were 9. Virustrap was your close friend and he was your darkside. But when you found the crystal rose, he wanted it for himself and you wanted to protected it from him. Then he chased you down, and you know the rest of the memory, " he answered.

I was dumbfound, " But why didn't I remembered him? " I asked to him. " Because I erased your memory about him, " answered Evan as he came down the stairs. " So I met you before, then right, " I asked. " No, not technically, you were in coma. At the time, when they found you, you were rushed to the hospital. They said to Michael that you were going to be in a coma for 2 months. Your father cried about the news and then after a while he called me, when you were in the coma. When I got there, Michael told me to erased your memory on Virustrap and the accident. But your mind latched onto the memory and turned it into nightmare. After you woke up, and you had that nightmare for very long while, and that's truth, " as Evan finished explaining. But dad left the room to talk to papa.

After 7 years, I had this nightmare and my own father told my fiancé to erased my memory of my darkside and the accident when I was 9. " How did you managed to erase my memory without me being immune to your powers? " I asked Evan. " You weren't fully immune to my powers back then. Because you were exposed to my powers back then, meaning I could manipulate you in your coma. After I erased your memory about the accident and Virustrap. But you know everything came with a price, right? " he started explained, and I nodded. " Your dad made a deal with my father, and- " " I already know about the deal, " I cut him off about how I knew the deal already. But then I noticed his red eyes were glowing and I back away from him. 

Until I hit a wall, " Nowhere to run, " he said and then I noticed he has fangs. " So you are a bloodlust vengeful soul after all, " I said with fear in my voice. He put his arm on either side of me, he looked at me with his bloodlust eyes. " It will hurt a bit, " he said and he bit my neck. He let my blood trickled down my neck. I know Bloodlust spirit don't suck on their victim's blood right away. They just bite first then drink later. Evan stop biting my neck and lick the blood on my neck. I tried not moan, but I did. Evan let go of me, and he wiped the remaining blood mouth. 

Then dad came back and I hid the bite mark with my jacket collar. " So what happened when I was gone? " dad asked, " Evan was explaining to me about how he erased my memories of both the accident and my darkside. But my mind managed to latched onto the accident, then turned it into a nightmare, " I summarize Evan's explanation. " Okay, Gregory do you want to see the rose? " dad asked and I nodded. I careful took the glass dome and put it aside. 

I took the glowing rose and then I closed my eyes because the bright light. Then I closed my eyes, and then I noticed I can see with both eyes. I turned to dad, and he was shocked when I can see with both of my eyes again. " Your other eye, you can see again. But why is it icy green, though? " said dad. I was confused, "I always had other condition called Heterochromia. My whole life, " I said to dad. He was shocked, " Why didn't I noticed that?" he asked blankly.  

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