Chapter 23 : Oh no ( Smut )

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This is my first time writing smut so, it will be cringing. I am very bad at smut, I tried my best to do this. So good luck !

TW : Smut!!!!

Gregory's POV :

Oh no, I am so doomed. " So, you had to tell the rest of your family about killing sprees. Well, well, well~ * chuckles * you can't escape me this time, my little darling angel~ " he purred, with lust in his tone. I tried pushed him off of me, but he grabbed my wrist and pinned both my wrist above my head with hand. He put his other hand on my neck, and he kissed me, roughly. I wanted to pulled away, but I just gave in. I kissed back and he licked the bottom of my lip for entrance. 

I didn't know if I should let him in. But I let him enter his tongue into my mouth, and I let him to explored my mouth. Then our tongue started to fight dominant, but I just let Evan be top anyway. Then he broke the kiss, there was sting of salvia and we were panting. Then Evan lifted up my chin, I looked into his eyes and I knew they were full of lust. I felt his lips kissing my neck, I moaned softly and then he started to nipple my neck. Suddenly I moaned a bit louder and he started to bite where the mark is. He found my sweet spot, and he bite harder.

I moaned louder, but this time he use his fangs to bite into my neck. I moaned louder, " Ahh~ E-Evan I-I t-think w-we should s-stop, " I said between my moans. I felt his fangs went deeper into my neck, I felt the blood trickled down my neck and he licked my blood. Then he let go of my wrist, then he took off both of my jacket and my crop top and then pushed me onto the bed. Leaving me in my binder and my skirt on " I'll make sure you won't walked tomorrow, " he said, and he pinned me on the bed. He bit into my collarbone, as he took off my binder. I sort of arch my back a bit.

Then he took off his shirt, and he bit into my collarbone again. I moaned a it more louder. Then he started to kissing my breasts. ( A/N : Before you attacked me, I said that Gregory is intersex girl. Also, he almost turned completely a boy, but he didn't. This is my main au, so DEAL WITH IT ). I moaned so loud, I am pretty sure my family can hears that. He kiss my chest until my v-line and he took off the rest of my clothes, and his. 

He licked my clit and he started to tease me. I was in moaning mess, right now.


Lily : " Honey, how about we go back downstairs. Noah, HELP ME OUT. BECAUSE, MICHAEL WILL BEAT UP EVAN AFTER THEY ARE DONE DOING THE THING " as she tried to hold Michael back.

Michael : " AFTER THEY ARE DONE, I AM GOING TO BEAT THE HELL OUT OF MY F*CKING BROTHER, " he said as he tried to get out of Lily's grip.

Noah : " I'm coming, " as he rushed to go upstairs.

Evory, Eliza and Mike : " Gregory is a bottom, " as their noses were bleeding.

Back with Gregory and Evan....

3rd POV :

Evan was slamming into Gregory. Gregory moaned loud, he tried to not moan but he couldn't. " Harder ~, " Gregory moaned. Evan kept slamming into Gregory, " Ahh~ E-Evan, " Gregory said between his moans. " That's not my name, darling~ " said Evan, " I think you deserve punishment~. " Evan slam into Gregory so hard, Gregory moaned so loud. Michael wanted to beat up Evan more.

" FASTER, MASTER~ " Gregory moaned, and Evan went harder on Gregory. " I'm s-so close, " moaned Gregory, " Me too, " Evan said. They both cum at the same time, Gregory was collapsed on the bed, an so did Evan. Then they cleaned up, Evan helped Gregory take a bath. Then Gregory wore over-sized Hooded, " If I get pregnant, I am blaming it on you, " Gregory growled, and Evan laughed, then kissed Gregory on the forehead. 

Gregory went to sleep, and they already changed the bed sheets. Evan left his and Gregory's room to let Gregory sleep. Michael managed to break free from both of his lovers' grip. " You have 5 seconds to run, " Michael growled with baseball bat in his hands, and Evan run as fast as he can. Michael started to chase Evan around the house, as Lily checked on Gregory. As she enter his room, she saw he was sleeping peacefully. She closed the door, and Gregory's older brother Evory, wanted to chase Evan too. " COME HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT, " said Evory and Michael together. " Oh no, I think Evan is doomed, " said Eliza, and Mike agreed with his older sister.    

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