Chapter 25 : Making a plan

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Evan's POV :

Gregory had fell asleep in my arms, he is so cute when he's asleep ( Simp much, Evan ). I carried him onto his bed. And I sat in his bed, and I put the blanket over him. I stole the key to his hidden drawer. I opened it, and took out one of his drawing. The one with Virustrap and him on the lake deck. I took it out and I saw how detailed it was. This the drawing Michael want to see, and left the room. I went downstairs, " Oh hey Evan, got the drawing? " Michael asked, and I gave him the drawing. " I hope Gregory doesn't notices that one of his nightmares drawings are missing, " I said to my brother. " I just hope, too. And also, take good acre of my son, Evan, " Michael tell me, and I nodded.

I went upstairs, a lot have changed in the last over 50-60 years. Especially, my family, Michael has four kids, I am getting married to his youngest son/daughter, Gregory. My father is dating Henry, Lizzy is dating Charlie. And Sammy Emily, who is one of the CEOs of Fazbear Entertainment. I entered Gregory's room again. But he was whimpering in his sleep, and I went towards his bed. I went on his bed, and put him on top of me. I started stroking his hair, then he relax I sighed. He having less nightmares than usual and his nightmares are worst. I hope he will okay.

Then he started to wake up.

Gregory's POV :

I woke up in Evan's arms, " How long was I asleep for? " I asked to Evan, " Maybe 10 minutes, " he answered. I snuggled on him, and he caressing my hair. " We need a plan to stop Virustrap, Gregory. If we don't, he will keep hunting you down. I don't want to lose you, and I never told anyone this secret I had. So I will tell you, I watched everyone in my family, died, even after my death. From mom got killed in car crash, to Lizzy getting clawed by C.B to my death to my father getting springlocked and to Michael's death, your father was scooped. I saw everything, my dad didn't mean to killed those kids. He did it out of angry, insanity and pain, he didn't mean to. I guess history repeated itself, but you can end the loop, " said Evan and I looked up at him.

" Your right, we really need a plan, " I said as I got up. " But you need to be careful, though. You are pregnant, Gregory. I want to protect you from him, okay darling, " he told me, and I nodded. Then we went downstairs to go outside of the house for a bit. We went to the front porch and it was windy outside, I was still wearing the over-sized hooded but I was wearing short though. I felt cold in my legs, and it was cold outside. Evan noticed this, and he said we should get inside. We did, and I was thinking of a plan to stop Ṿ̴̋́̚i̴͍̼̹͜͠ŗ̵̳̗̝͐̈́̇u̷̖̖͚̪̓̀s̴̱̼͕̉̑͛ţ̵̺̻̦̈́̀r̷̗̞̫̳̔̏̂͜a̸̜̝͎̗̓p̴̥̹͍͇͆̐͑̆̈́.

But I thought about him getting reuniting him with his parents and I don't know how. Also, maybe I could talk to his parents about getting him and them reunited. I will wait until tomorrow.

The next day...

We were on our way to the plex, well just me and Evan. We went Roxy's raceway, my family said they need a little chit chat with my grandfather. So we decided me and Evan go underground pizzeria instead. 

After we turned on all of the generators, and we went into the pizzeria. When I was about to enter the room, then Evan pulled me out of the way because someone was being throwed. " Cassidy, you almost hit them, " said the kitsune, " Sorry, you guys, and sorry to you too, Silverelle, " said Golden Freddy. So the kitsune name is Silverelle, she is Vince's parents. We looked at the person who was throwed. He look like my mother, but no, I know that Cassidy is related to me. But let pushed that aside, I helped up the person up. " Thank, kid. Oh, my name is Gabriel, I possessed the OG Freddy, " said Gabriel, and I nodded. 

We entered the room, " So what do you need, Gregory? " asked Silverelle to me. " Well, I was thinking if I need your help with some thing. It's about Ṿ̴̋́̚i̴͍̼̹͜͠ŗ̵̳̗̝͐̈́̇u̷̖̖͚̪̓̀s̴̱̼͕̉̑͛ţ̵̺̻̦̈́̀r̷̗̞̫̳̔̏̂͜a̸̜̝͎̗̓p̴̥̹͍͇͆̐͑̆̈́, " I said, but my voice glitch when I always say his name. " Is your voice okay? Because it glitch, " said Golden Freddy. I went silent, but Evan step in, " Gregory is still connect to your son, since your son is his darkside. His voice glitches when he say his name. Even if he wants to said Virustrap's real name which is Vince. Instead he say Virustrap, and his voice glitches, he can't stop it. Because your son's voice also glitches all the time, " said Evan to them, Silverelle gasped and Golden Freddy looked concerned. " But we came here to come up with plan, to get you guys reunited with your son, " said Evan and I smiled up at him.

" I think I have idea, " said Silverelle, and she explained to us. " If you guys can get him distracted, we might can try to convince him to stop hurting people, " explained Silverelle. But I was worried because how can I help because I am pregnant. I clutched my stomach, " Why are you clutching your stomach? " asked one of the others, I think her name is Charlie. " Because I got Gregory pregnant, " said Evan, and the others were shocked. " How could he get pregnant? " asked Gabriel, and I facepalmed myself. " I am intersex Girl, I am not completely a boy, " I said to them, " Ohhh, " they all said, and Golden Freddy and Silverelle were shocked. They were whispering to each other.

" I think we should go, " I said, and before we left. Gabriel grabbed my hand, " Do you know anyone named Lilium? " he asked and I smiled. " Lilium is my mother, " I answered and he was shocked. Then he let go of my hand, and we back to the house.

" What did he asked you? " asked Evan as we walked through the forest. " About my mother, " I answered and we entered the house. 

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