Chapter 22 : The truth

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Gregory's POV :

" Yea, that's all. I know about what he did, but he had a reason, though, " I said to Ṿ̶͓̏͜i̴̦̞̠̊̔̈́̀͜ͅr̶̻̞̊̿͝u̶͓͕͊s̷͍̩̞͎̊͆̿ţ̵̗̠̑̿́́͘r̶͓̰̙̈́ͅa̸͍̗̙̙̍p̵̫̤̠̱̹͠'s parents. " That's a lot to take in, " said Ṿ̶͓̏͜i̴̦̞̠̊̔̈́̀͜ͅr̶̻̞̊̿͝u̶͓͕͊s̷͍̩̞͎̊͆̿ţ̵̗̠̑̿́́͘r̶͓̰̙̈́ͅa̸͍̗̙̙̍p̵̫̤̠̱̹͠'s mother. " We need to get out of here because Gregory is very injured, " said Evan. " Okay, but I wanted to say sorry because I thought Gregory was son. And I thought guys were kidnapper, sorry if I attacked your sister, Gregory, " Golden Freddy apologized to me and my older sister. I accepted the apology and so did my sister. We said our goodbye to them. I tried to walked but I was too wounded and I kept falling. But Evan decided to carry me all the way back.

When we got back, we went to the first aid station. my older sister healed most of my wounds except my right wing was badly wounded. Then mom found us in the first aid station with dad, behind her. " So, what happened? We are not mad, but just want to know. So what happened? " asked mom, and I was about to explained. Then my older sister started to explained to them what from beginning to end. Along the story, my older brothers help her out about what happened.

" Yea, that's all of it, " said Eliza, as she finished bandaging my right wing. I got off the table and I almost fell onto the floor but I caught myself. My parents decided to leave the plex, we went home. I went into my room as we got home. Then Evan dad said they were going out for a bit. I knew what they were going to do. I closed my door of my room and locked it. I slipped down to the floor. I curled up into a ball, " Hey, Violet's darkside, what is your real name? " I asked to the voice in my head. 

" Well, it was Ivory. I was the twin sister of Violet, but I died when I was 15 years old. But I was like you, intersex girl yourself. Okay, back to the story, darkside were created a year after I died, I was the last straw. Violet created the darksides for all of us pure soul. Darkside were created from former pure soul who agreed to become a darkside. I became Violet's darkside and I help fought the war. She's the one who lead them to victory but we were losing. Then it was just her and her son who were the last pure souls, then they made prophecy about you and your lover. Then when they died, I died too again. Then I reincarnated into you, Gregory, the voice in your head, right now is your past life memories talking to you, " said Evory, Violet's darkside. I was pure shocked, I was Ivory, Violet's twin sister this whole time.

I read once that Ivory was one of the most strongest pure soul in history. And I was her once, the voice in my head was my past life talking to me. I got up, and unlocked my door, then went to the library. I entered the library of the house, and I was looking for Ivory, the twin sister of Ivory. I looked on every shelves about Ivory. Then I found the book, but it was lock for some reason. But the last time I read it, it wasn't locked unless, but the last time I read this book was, when I was 9 years old. The day before the accident, Ṿ̶͓̏͜i̴̦̞̠̊̔̈́̀͜ͅr̶̻̞̊̿͝u̶͓͕͊s̷͍̩̞͎̊͆̿ţ̵̗̠̑̿́́͘r̶͓̰̙̈́ͅa̸͍̗̙̙̍p̵̫̤̠̱̹͠ was there when I was reading the book. I went to sit down, and I saw there was key to the lock. But how am I suppose to remembered the key? My memories were erased of all memories of him, and I need to remember where is that key.

Then I looked at the keyhole, it was in a shape of a rose. I looked at one of my necklaces on my neck. I took off the one with the rose, and inserted the rose into lock, then it unlocked the locked disappeared. I put on my necklace on my neck, and I opened the book. I was searching for the part where it's said about her life.

When I found it, I skipped to the part where her death occurred. It was during the war, she was killed by a person who she trusted. They were her lover, and their was Hemlock. She trusted him because he saved her from dying once but when he betrayed her. He didn't regret it but over time he realized what he did was wrong. I wanted to stop reading, and I did. Ivory's own lover killed her, I mean I am her. I kept on reading, then I tumbled on a line about her lover trying to look for her but failed. It said her lover was always a bloodlust, like her twin sister's lover. But Violet's lover wasn't traitor. 

Then I read to the part how she reincarnated into someone else, it said that no one knows who she reincarnated into. I stopped reading it, and I got up, then put back the book back. " I wish I knew why her lover killed her? " I asked to myself. Then mom was calling me, and I went to downstairs. " Yes mom, do you need something? " I asked to her, as I walked to the living room. " Well, we want to know something, " said mom and Dad and Evan was giving me the ' Don't tell her ' look. I looked back at mom, " What do you want to know? " I asked her, my older siblings and papa. " Does dad and your fiancé, Evan been doing some killing sprees because earlier, they said they were going out for a bit. Then they come covered in blood, so have they been doing killing sprees behind our back? " she asked.

I looked at Evan and dad. Evan was giving me the ' I will take your blood tonight and maybe I make sure you will not walk ' look. I gulped, I have to tell them the truth. " Y-yes, they have. Okay, before you get me, Evan, I will go to my room, " I said in panic voice and Evan's eyes were glowing red. I back away and mom and papa were giving dad a lecture about not to kill. But dad explained them why he killed, and I went to my room, to get Evan off of my trail. I locked my door as soon I came inside. " You think you can outrun me, darling~" Evan said with lust in voice. I turned around and I saw him behind me. I backed away to a wall, but he had me pinned against the wall. " I will make sure, you don't walk tomorrow, " he said with lust voice, as he lifted up my chin. Oh no, I am so doom, I mean really doom.  

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