Chapter 7 : Ennard....

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Gregory's POV :

I told them about myself except for my blind eye and my older siblings. Only Evan knew what happened to them, Then dad called me and I went to the kitchen with him. " Can you help me prepare lunch, please? " he asked and I nodded. Then Evan came into the room, " Can I help, Mike? " Evan asked my dad. But when he said the name Mike it reminded me. How I failed saved my brother, Mike. But I continued cooking the food for everyone. I tried to keep the tears in by calming down.

After we prepared the foods and ate lunch. I went my room, and closed the door, then locked it. Then I cried, I started to missed my older siblings. I did moved on but every time when someone mentioned their names or something else that reminded me about them. I wish papa was here but he not, he disappeared 10 years ago. I could snuck out but that's not a good idea. 

I got up the floor and look for my drawing . I drew earlier, I took it out then I decided to finished it. Then only thing I am finished about this drawing is the shading and the sketching part. I was coloring it to get it a better quality of the drawing. I was still thinking about the drawing. Was this the accident that I had when I was 9. Then I looked at the black smoke in the drawing, then I remembered that the black smoke named was V̵̢̭̮͒̉̈́̈́i̷̜͈̭̓̑͘ŕ̶̹̲̥̽̄̉͑ú̶̳̱͇̇̅̆s̸̢̨͊͋t̸̩̟͔͓̘̥̹̓̽̓̉̓̒̋r̵̲͎̻͕̬͖͋̕a̴̪̗͍͍͔̱͉͑p̴̗̥͉̳͓̼͎̃̄͘͝. This is Virustrap, the black smoke is V̵̢̭̮͒̉̈́̈́i̷̜͈̭̓̑͘ŕ̶̹̲̥̽̄̉͑ú̶̳̱͇̇̅̆s̸̢̨͊͋t̸̩̟͔͓̘̥̹̓̽̓̉̓̒̋r̵̲͎̻͕̬͖͋̕a̴̪̗͍͍͔̱͉͑p̴̗̥͉̳͓̼͎̃̄͘͝. Then I heard sounds coming from the vents, I went to opened my closet and I got my baseball bat. 

I got defense position like dad taught me after the accident I had. I heard it coming to my venture system. I was sacred but I need to be brave even if I was sacred. " You got this, Gregory, " I said to myself. Then the vent cover came off, I took a deep breath and I saw a wires coming out of the vents. I held on the baseball bat and animatronic made of wires came out of the vent. " Whosever you are, I am not afraid of you, " I shouted but my voice crack. ' Sh*t, ' I thought and as the animatronic made of wires re-form into their form. I realized they look familiar but where? But I gripped on my bat and ready to swing it. The animatronic turned into their human form, their clothes were covered in blood and they had red hair. 

Then I realized it wasn't random person, it was papa. " P-papa, " I said and he looked at me. " Gregory, you are alive. Where is Michael and Lily? " he asked, then I dropped the bat. And I hugged him and he hugged back. " I missed you, papa, " I cried in his arms, " I missed you, my angel son, " he whispered. Then there was a knock on the door, " Gregory, is everything okay in there? " asked Dad's voice. I opened the door, I saw dad, Evan, Henry, grandfather and aunt Elizabeth. " Yea, it's just papa is back, " I said and dad was shock. I let them into my room, when dad saw papa, he was overjoyed to see papa again. " Ennard, I mean Noah, you are back, " dad said and papa nodded. They hugged, and I looked at Evan, " At least, Michael is happy again. Beside when he is with you, darling~, " Evan said, and I blushed. I can tell that aunt Elizabeth was fangirling.

" I hate you, so much, " I said to him, and he laughed. I saw dad looked at my drawing and he turned to me. " Gregory, what is this? " he asked as he looked at my drawing. " That's nothing, I just like drawing a lot of thing. You know like, when I like drawing gore stuff, " I lied as I tried to defensed myself. " I know you're lying because I clearly tell. Because, your wings are inward and you intend to sweat a bit when you lied, " he said and I was sweating more. He was right, my wings are inward and I was sacred. I was gripping on my arm, he walked up to me. " I am not mad, just tell me what is this drawing, " he said, and I walked to my desk. Opened my secret drawer and took the other nightmares drawings. I gave them to him.

" You drew more, " he said as he and papa look through all of them. " I need a talk with my son and Evan. So, may you all leave except for Noah, Evan, Gregory? " he asked, the others left the room and grandpa closed the door. Dad and papa looked through all of them, and they found out of drawing them without dad knowing. " Gregory, I will ask you this again. Why did you drew theses? " he asked, and I was silent for a moment. " Nightmares, " that all I said and dad was shocked. " So, all of these drawing you drew, were from your nightmare? " dad asked and Evan hugged me. I really feel safe around him, " Yes, they are from my nightmare, " I answered dad's question. 

" Why didn't you tell me? I could of help you, I has these nightmares before and both your mother and your other father helped me. Just let me help you for once, now with Noah back. We can help you, so please tell me about this nightmare of yours? " he asked again. I looked at Evan, " He need to know, darling~" Evan whispered into my ear. " I need some time to think, " I said with a bit of voice cracks. " Take your time, " said papa, and then they left the room except Evan. I cleaned the drawings up and I put on my desktop. 

" You really tell both of your fathers, darling~ " he said in his deep british accent. " I just can't, it's haunts me, " I said, and I felt like was about to cry. Then Evan grabbed my waist and pulled in a hug. I hugged back, I really do feel safe around and I was blushing because of him. " How about we hang out in town to get your mind off of things? " he suggested and I agreed. " I need to ask my parents first, " I told to him.

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