Chapter 6 : Feelings and the drawing.

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In the morning....

Gregory's POV :

I woke up, then I realized I was snuggled against Evan and I blushed. Then he woke up, " Good morning, darling~ " he purred. But I pushed off him the bed, " Hey what was that for? " he said and I laughed. I went to my closet, I pick a white shirt with a fox imprinted on it and some ripped jeans. " I am going to take a bath and don't you dare tell what happened last night with the drawings and my nightmares to my dad, " I said, then went to the bathroom.

After I was done showering and brushed my hair, also covered my blind left eye and teeth, then went downstairs. Dad was cooking breakfast and Evan was there sitting down, he was talking to dad. Then Evan saw me, " Hey Gregory, me and Michael were just talking about things, " he said and the foods was ready. We ate breakfast, that dad cooked and it was good.

After breakfast, dad said he wants to wash the dishes. So I decided to go outside when I was about to go to the front door. I saw the door that I am not suppose open, dad said there something in there that saved my life when I was 9. But for some reason I can't remember that memory. Then I went outside and ignored the door and the morning breeze hit my face like the soft gentle winds. I leaned on the railing of the house, and I saw the sun was rising into the sky. I was happy to be outside. Then I was thinking about Evan next, then I realized do I like Evan? I mean I am going to be marrying him when I am older.

I mean am I catching feeling for him? I just met him but I was knocked out of my trace by the rustling. From the winds and the trees, I was getting a bit cold. So I went back inside to get my jacket. Then went back outside to enjoyed the great outdoors.

Evan's POV :

I really wanted to tell my brother about Gregory's nightmares and drawings of his nightmares. But he wanted to keep it a secret, so I went to talk to Michael. But I couldn't find him anywhere, then I remembered something, I don't know how Gregory is immune of my manipulation powers. But I know that Michael is also immune to my power. Maybe he inherited my brother's immunity, maybe. But the more I am thinking about Gregory, I am blushing. ' What the hell! Do I like him or something? Do I have feelings for him? Oh sh*t, I think I do, ' I thought as I walking to outside while I was blushing. But I need to be emotionless, I am emotionless most of the time. 

After I calmed myself down, put on my emotionless face on. Then I saw Gregory outside and he had a fox mask on the side of his head. " I never knew you had a fox mask, " I said as step outside of the house. " Well, I do exactly. This mask was giving to me when I was 5 or 6 years old, I really can't remember, " he said and we talked about stuff but mostly about me and my brother's job. I think I am really falling for him. But I will not tell him just yet, when the time is right.

Gregory's POV :

Evan was telling me about a funny story when my dad was trying to shoot a gun at the target when he was teenager. I was laughing so hard and we heard a car pull up. Then dad came out of the house and I think I never seen this car before. And then the door of the car opened, then two men and teenager girl came out of the car. 

But I am not good socializing with people and Evan noticed this because I was about to go inside. " You are not good socializing with people, aren't you? " he asked as grabbed my wrist. " Yes, because personal reasons, " I said as turned back. I saw dad was talking to the other three people. I was always the person who didn't like to talk to people and then dad gestured me the others to follow him.

" Gregory, I want you to meet, your grandfathers and your aunt, " said dad, and I just nodded. " My son, Gregory is not good with socializing with people, " dad said to my grandfathers and my aunt. " Don't worry, maybe spending time with Evan, might help him, " said my aunt and then I heard rustling in the tree. I turned to that direction" You okay, Gregory, " asked dad and then I turned back to the others. " Yes , I am okay. I thought I heard something in the woods, " I said to them. Then I went back inside of the house, and went to my room. 

I decided to draw on a big sketch paper and I look into my draws to find my sketch book. When I found it, I took a big piece of paper off. Then I put on my headphone on to play some music, the song I put on was tell me, father. I hummed to the song when I drawing my nightmare again. 

After 3 hours of drawing, I was finished my drawing. When I look at it, it had all of my other drawings in one picture. When I looked at it, it was the nightmare I always had since I was 9. But when I was 9, my dad said there was accident I had. " But why can't I remember? " I ask myself. I thinking is this the accident I had when I was 9. What is my nightmare tell me? Then I heard dad calling me, and I hid my drawing in my hidden drawer. Then went downstairs to see the others.

" Yes dad, what do you need ? " I asked when I entered the living room. " Well, remember when I wanted you to meet your grandfathers and your aunt. Well, I want you to get know them. Especially Henry, he is really nice, " said dad and he walked to the kitchen. " I guess I need to get to know you all, " I said with sigh. " Well, it won't that bad. Well, my name is Henry, you already know, " said the man with ginger blonde hair. " I am William, your father's father, and that's Elizabeth, " said the man with Black hair with purple streak, as he pointed to my aunt. " So tell us about yourself, " said Henry. 

" Well, I was half-alive because that's explained why angel wings, " I said and the other three were shocked. But Evan had no expression, " H-how, " asked aunt Elizabeth. " I really don't know, but I can tell you other thing about me, " I said, and they seem happy to get to know me at least.  

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