Chapter 18 : Slowly turning into a half-bloodlust

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Gregory's POV :

We called everyone to the living room, for a family meeting. After every came, we went to explain the reason why the accident happened. " We found the reason, why the accident happened, " I said and they went wide-eyed. " How, what was the reason, that Virustrap attacked you, Georgia? " asked Evory, and I was about to flip when Evory call me by my deadname. But Evan calmed me down, then Evan gave the death glare. Evory stepped back, " Well, V̵̟̲̣̤̇i̴̙͖͍͛̄̐̂͊ȑ̸͉̮́̿͒͛̄ǘ̷̡̢̖̥͈͔̹̔̅̇̕͝s̷̪̰̮͎͋̈́̓̓̏̐̕t̷͚̿̽͆̕͝ṟ̷̛͚̔̓́͘a̷̛̮̲̻͙̒͐̄͋̕͝p̶̖̖̖͘͜ wasn't always his name. It was Vince Everland Emily-Rose, he is related to Roses Family and the Emilys. But when him and his family died, he reincarnated into a darkside. He was pure soul like me. But he wanted to being back his family back and his dead lover, " I explained to them.

They were so surprised by the fact that he wanted his family back. " But we don't know who is his parents, " said mom and I looked at Evan. " His parents named is Silverelle Roselle Emily and Cassidy Andrew Rose, " said Evan and my mom was shocked. " Cassidy is my older sister, so that means Virustrap is your cousin, " said mom and I was a bit surprised that V̵̟̲̣̤̇i̴̙͖͍͛̄̐̂͊ȑ̸͉̮́̿͒͛̄ǘ̷̡̢̖̥͈͔̹̔̅̇̕͝s̷̪̰̮͎͋̈́̓̓̏̐̕t̷͚̿̽͆̕͝ṟ̷̛͚̔̓́͘a̷̛̮̲̻͙͎̲̜̒͐̄͋̕͝p̶̖̖̖͘͜ was my own cousin. 

We told them that his parents are still alive. And they were in the underground pizzeria, and they were even more shocked than before. " How about we worry about this tomorrow? Okay, you been acting different since the ringing sound from later, " said mom and I nodded. Me and Evan went back to my room. We sat on my bed, " What was that ringing sound earlier? " I asked Evan, with quiet voice. He sighed, " I guess, I should tell you, " he said as I looked at him. " Tell me what, " I said.

He took a deep breath, then sighed. " Well, when I marked you. I sort of use my fangs to inject some sort of venom into you. Cause you slowly turning into a half-bloodlust, " he explained to me, as rub the back of his neck, and I was concerned and surprised. " I know, but it's part of the whole thing being a bloodlust, darling. I know you will- hmpf, " I cut him off by collar of his jacket on smack my lips on his lips. Then he melted in the kiss and he put his hand on the back of my neck. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his other arm around my waist. 

He broke the kiss, " I will always love you no matter what, " I said to him. Then I pulled him into a embrace and he hugged back. " Can you explain to me about how do I know when I am half-bloodlust? " I asked him, as we looked at each other. " Well, the first sign is the ringing sound from darkside. Us, bloodlust are sensitive to high-pitch ring. But if you have the medicine for it, your fine. Like your darkside and the next is your wings tip turned into a dark shade of red. Then your hair will have a red streak and lastly one of your eye will turned red, " he finished explaining to me. I nodded, then dad came into the room. " Evan, we need to go on our... killing sprees, " said dad, but he said the last past, in whisper. " I will be back before you know it, darling, " he said, as he got and then kissed my forehead, then left the room.

Time skip to night

I lay in my bed and I sacred to fall asleep because of the nightmare. The drawings of them are keep getting more detailed and clear every time I draw. Eva and dad came back hours ago from their killing sprees. I am the only person who know about them and Evan is in his room. Sometimes he came here to help me sleep. I just my eyes and went to sleep.

I ran into the cave, and I told the rose I will keep it safe from him. I sacred and lost in the woods. I wish I had dad with me but I can't risk his life for this rose. Then V̸̜̳̀͗ͅi̶̲̰̞̫̣͂̓̇͊r̶̝̞̖͉͠ư̵͇͍s̶͓̿̊̐t̵̬͖͈͆̇̓̃̓̕r̸̯͚̂a̷̡͈̼̠̓͌̂͋̀͝p̸̫͇̍ passed the cave of the woods. I went the opposite direction, to the lake. 

I ran passed through the woods but I got a lot of wounds from the trees. But most of them were from V̸̜̳̀͗ͅi̶̲̰̞̫̣͂̓̇͊r̶̝̞̖͉͠ư̵͇͍s̶͓̿̊̐t̵̬͖͈͆̇̓̃̓̕r̸̯͚̂a̷̡͈̼̠̓͌̂͋̀͝p̸̫͇̍. The person who killed my older siblings, and then I heard the buzzing and rustling sounds. It was him, I ran as fast as I can, away from him. I slide under trees branches and jump over them. I was almost out his grasp, he always the rose from the minute I had it. Then I made it to the lake. Water is his weakness, and I need to get to the deck.

I run around the edge of the lake and to the deck. I walked onto the deck and he was behind me. I turned around, then I saw in his human form, " Now, GIVE ME THE ROSE, THIS INSTANT, " he shouted " NEVER, AFTER YOU DID TO ME AND MY OLDER SIBLINGS. I WILL NEVER GIVE IT TO YOU, YOU HEARTLESS MONTSER, " I deny to him. I walked backwards towards the water, " Don't this, you need me to survived the lake, " he said. " I don't, and your weakness is water, anyways, " I said as I back away more. Then I jumped into the water.

He tried to catch me but I fell into the water. I had the rose in my hands, and I drowning into the abyss.

 I had the rose in my hands, and I drowning into the abyss

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I tired to scream for help and no one came at all. I trying but no one to help me at all. I had the rose safe at least. I scream for help but the water muffled my screams. But no one came to my rescue at all. Then I heard the voices again...

Evan's POV :

I went to Gregory's room to see if he was okay. Then when I opened the door, his wings were glowing and he was whimpering in his sleep. I went up to his bed, I sat beside him and I put him on top on me. I stroked his hair and sang him the song, ' Isabella's lullaby.' It soothed him and when I saw his wings tips were dark shade of red. The second sign of turning into a half-bloodlust. I need to stay and protect him from his darkside. He been through enough, and I need to make sure he's train enough to stop his darkside from hurting anyone else. Until then, I will help him train more. 

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