Chapter 5 : My nightmare

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Gregory's POV : 

I woke up in the forest and I was holding something. It was the crystal glowing rose, and I knew someone was following me. I got up, held the rose in my hands and ran deeper into the forest. I look behind my shoulder and saw a big cloud of black smoke that was chasing. I ran to the direction of my house but I was lost in the woods. There was no turning back now, so I kept on running away from the black smoke. It was hunting me down and there was no where to go but I kept going. Then I saw a cave so I hide there, and the smoke passed the cave. I looked at the rose, I was holding. " I need to protect it, " I said, and then I left the cave.

I walked through the forest, it felt like hours have pass. But I need to rest because I was running so much. I sit down by a tree and I looked at the rose. " I promised to keep it from V̵̢̭̮͒̉̈́̈́i̷̜͈̭̓̑͘ŕ̶̹̲̥̽̄̉͑ú̶̳̱͇̇̅̆s̸̢̨͊͋t̸̩̟͔͓̘̥̹̓̽̓̉̓̒̋r̵̲͎̻͕̬͖͋̕a̴̪̗͍͍͔̱͉͑p̴̗̥͉̳͓̼͎̃̄͘͝, " I said to myself. I took a deep breath and I got up. I still had the rose in my hands, and I kept on walked through the forest but then I heard the dark winds rustling again. I started to run again but I wasn't looking at all. Then I was on a wooded desk but it was on the water. 

The lake is my only chance. I ran into the water with the rose in my hands and jump into the water. But there was problem I can't swim and I was fall in the water and tried to scream for help but no one came. I was falling deeper and deeper into the water and I kept screaming for. " Someone please help me , " I screamed but I had the crystal rose in my hands. But I was drowning deeper in the water, and I need tot get out of the water. But V̵̢̭̮͒̉̈́̈́i̷̜͈̭̓̑͘ŕ̶̹̲̥̽̄̉͑ú̶̳̱͇̇̅̆s̸̢̨͊͋t̸̩̟͔͓̘̥̹̓̽̓̉̓̒̋r̵̲͎̻͕̬͖͋̕a̴̪̗͍͍͔̱͉͑p̴̗̥͉̳͓̼͎̃̄͘͝ will find me, it better if I am in the water than the land. I was drowning deep in the water, then I heard people calling for my name.

" Gregory, wake up "


Then I jolted awake and saw Evan was on my bed. " You had a panic attack, " he said, and he pulled me into a hugged. " Let it all out, angel, " he told me and I cried. " You want to tell me what your nightmare is about? " he asked me and I got from my bed. I unlocked my secret drawer and took the drawings then show them to him. " This is my nightmare was about, " I answered as I gave him my drawings. " I don't know if this is the future or the past because I looked pretty young in the drawing, " I said to him. " You need to tell your father about this, " he said as he looks through the drawings.

 " Who is Virustrap? " he asked and I said " I don't know, I wish I knew. But when I asked my dad about it, he freak out or avoid the question. So I stopped asking that question, I just don't want my dad to know and to worry about me so much, " I said with my arms crossed. " But one day you are going to tell, are you? " he said and I nodded. He gave back my drawings and I put then in my secret drawer, then locked it. I lay back at my bed, and Evan was about to fell a sleep until I asked this " Can you stay with me? " I asked shyly. He nodded and sat in my bed, I was snuggled against him. Then we fell asleep.

( A/N : Hey guys, sorry if the chapter is short but don't worry I will make the next chapter longer. )

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