Chapter 24 : I'm what !!!!

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The next morning....

Gregory's POV :

I slept really well, then I felt like I need to puke. I rushed to the bathroom, and then I puked into the toilet. Then mom entered the bathroom, she rubbed my back, " I think you be pregnant, Gregory. But we need to you to take a test, okay, " she said, and I nodded. I puked into the toilet again. I wiped my mouth, and I limped back to my room. I used the wall for support, my legs still hurt. But I managed to get to my room, and I sit back in my bed. Evan was still asleep, and I don't if I am pregnant or not. Being intersex girl is a bit hard but I hope if I did get pregnant, I will raise the kid, I guess.

I do like kids, but I don't about Evan, if he like kids. Mom was downstairs cooking breakfast for all of us. I thinking about the thing last night and it was okay, but I knew I could get pregnant or something. Mom said she will buy the pregnancy test for me, and I had to wait until she called us for breakfast. " Guys, it's time for breakfast, " said mom, and Evan awoke up. " Morning, darling, " he said to me. " Good morning, Evan. Can you help me get out of bed? " I asked with quiet voice and he smiled, then nodded.

After we had breakfast, I changed my clothes. I wore over-sized hooded and short for now. I was sitting on my chair of my desk, as I was drawing again my nightmare. I was drawing my nightmare again. Then mom and dad went to go run some errands, papa stay to watch us. But he kept giving the death glare at Evan for doing the thing. I was just drawing my nightmare, and then papa came into my room. " Hello Gregory, " said papa, " Hi papa, do need something? " I asked in cheerful voice. " If you are pregnant, I will beat the shit of your fiance. Also, if you are pregnant, I will hurt him, but I hope your not, but if you are, your fiance get it, " he said and I nodded.

I went to outside of the house to get some fresh air, then a car pulled up. It was mom and dad were back. " Hey Gregory, oh here is the pregnancy test, " said mom, as she gave me the test. I went upstairs in the house, to the bathroom. I sat down on the bathroom floor. I read the instructions how to use it, and then I took the test.

I was so nervous, I waited for a few minutes. ' I think I should check it, now ' I thought, and I looked at the test, I was in pure shocked. " It's positive, I'm pregnant with Evan's child " I said, and I started to cried, I am going be to mother. Then mom entered the bathroom, " So, how did it go? " she asked, and I give the pregnancy test to her. She gasped, she put her arms around me and I looked up. " Hey, I will support you, and help every step of the way. I will get Evan, okay, " she said as she got up and left the bathroom. 

A few moments later, Evan came into the bathroom. He sat down besides me, and I looked away from him. " Hey Gregory, your mom said you have something to tell me. What is the thing you need to talk about? " he asked, and gave him the pregnancy test. He looked at it, he gasped. " Y-your pregnant, darling, " he said with worried in his tone of voice. I nodded, and I started to cried again. Then Evan lifted up my chin to make me face him. " Hey darling, it's okay. I will help you take care of our baby. I always wanted kids, anyways. I will still love you no matter what, okay " he said, and he kissed me. I kissed back, I was grateful for accepting this child into our family. He broke the kiss, and he got up, then help me up.

We called everyone to the living room, they all came and I so am so worried about Evan. Because he might get beat up again by my fathers and my older brother, Evory. " So, why did you call us for family meeting? " asked dad, and I looked at Evan, he nodded. I walked to them, and I put the pregnancy test on the table. I stepped back, and everyone saw except for mom who already know about the baby, saw the test, they all but mom, gasped. " I know, you might not except me having- " then I cut off by my older siblings hugging me. 

" We do accept you, Gregory. We are happy you going to have this baby, " said Eliza, as they let go. I looked at my dads, they smiled but they gave the death glare at Evan. " We also accept you, kid, but we have to do something, " said dad while he was giving the glare to again. " You have 5 seconds to run, Evan Norman Afton, " said papa, and he transformed into Ennard, while dad had a baseball bat. Evan run as fast as he can, " COME BACK HERE, YOU LITTLE SHIT, " said papa and dad. 

" Should we help Evan? " I asked, and the others just shrugged. ' I'm sorry, Evan, ' I thought.

After we convinced papa and dad to not beat up Evan. I helped Evan with his wounds, " Ow, that's hurt, " he hissed. " Then stop moving then, love, " I said to him, and he blushed at the nickname I give him. After I finished cleaning his wounds and bandaging them, I went to my room. Then I started to finished my drawing I started earlier. " I hope you have a plan to reunite Rose-Emily family, " said Evan, " I don't, I don't know what to do. First, I am getting married to you in a few years, then I'm pregnant with your child, and lastly, I have to find a way to reunited Vince's parents with Vince, " I said to him.

Then he spun my chair, to make me face him. I looked at the ground, and he lifted up my chin. " Hey, it's okay, we will find a way. You are just like your father, always end up finding a way, " he said, and I smiled at him. He pulled me into a embrace, and I hugged back. " Don't worry, I will help you raise the baby, okay, " he said and I nodded. Then I fell sleep in his arms. 

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