Chapter 26 : Ivory is my past life name

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Gregory's POV :

I was reading in the library of the house, I was re-reading my past life again. To tried to get some answers about my past life. But there was nothing, and I slam my head onto the table. " Agrh, I found nothing that can help us, " I shouted in the room. I am pretty sure that my family could hear that. " Why can't I find anything? " I asked myself.

Evan entered the room, " You need a break, Darling. I don't want you to stress out too, I want you to put stress on the baby, " he said, and he pulled me out of the chair. He closed my book I was reading and he turned to me. Then he looked at the book title, " Who is Ivory? " Evan asked to me. I went quiet, and I left the room, then went back to my room. 

I locked the door and I curled up into ball on the floor. I didn't want him to found out I am reincarnated and I am Ivory. Ivory was my past life and I am the last of my kind. I don't know what to do now. I don't want him to know, but at the same time I do. But I don't know now.

I left Evan in the library but I don't have the courage to talk him. So I am still locked in my room, and I don't know how to tell him. My own fiance doesn't about my past life. Then I heard a knock on my door. " Who is it? " I shouted at the door. " Hey darling, it's me ( Hey that's my line - Golden Freddy ), Evan, " said Evan's voice. I got up and I unlocked the door.

Then he came in my room, " I wanted to ask this question again, who is Ivory? " he asked again the same question. " Well, that name, Ivory is the twin sister of Violet. She was killed at the age of 15, by her lover. How I know all of this? It not just in the book, because I am Ivory. And I reincarnated to me, " I said to Evan and he was shocked. " I know you will hate me for it, " I said to him. But he wasn't mad at me at all, " Your not mad, " I said to him. He shook his head no, and I was so surprised.

" Well, I was surprised at first but when I read your book. Also, everything about your past life, I already read about it, Gregory. You may be Ivory, but you are you. Also, your mine claimed and one of your eyes are red, darling~ " he purred and I blushed so hard. Then he grabbed my waist, and his eyes were glowing red. ' Oh no, he's hungry for blood, again ' I thought, then I felt Evan's fangs bit into my neck. I felt the blood trickling down my neck and I sort of moan. " Aahh~, E-Evan, p-please, " I said between my moans. 

But he kept biting my neck and I tried to pushed off. But I always failed to push him off, and he started to licked the blood off my neck. Then he wiped the blood off of my mouth. I just buried my head into his chest. He decided to carried me to my bed, and we just cuddled there. But there is one thing I didn't tell him about the pure soul is we can purred. But when only if we are comforted.

I really wanted to purred though, but I sort of did. Then Evan noticed it, " Did I just heard you purred, darling? " he asked, and I blushed really hard. I looked up at him, I nodded, he smirked and he started to caress my hair. I tried to hold it in, but " * Purr * " I purred. Then I blushed even harder, and Evan laughed. " You damn ass, " I said as I buried my head in his chest. " Fine, I will stop, but come on, you're cute when you purr, " he teased, and I just let him caressing my hair. I purred for a bit, and I sort of enjoyed it for most part. 

After that, we went downstairs with everyone at the living room. But when we entered the living room, I saw the book about my past life. " Oh, there you are, you two. This is not for Evan, this is about Gregory, " said mom and I stood there silent. " We found this book in the library of the house, and you are the only one in the house who used the library. Also, we found you were reading about Ivory. When we read about Ivory, it said ' Ivory was born as intersex girl ' she like you. But when we got to the part where she had reincarnated and what are her abilities. She had the same abilities like you, and we were thinking. Are you Ivory, Georgia ? " asked mom with serious tone and she used my deadname. She only used it when we are being serious or something.

I just stood there, " You need to tell them the truth " said Ivory's memories. But I stood there, and thinking how did they found out. But I can't tell them, or lie to them, they are my family. I looked at Evan and he looked at me back. I turned back to my family and I didn't know what to say or do anything. I thinking should I lie or tell the truth. Ivory was me before, I read that she always told the truth never lied once. Ivory was also the twin sister of Violet, who is now known as Silverelle now. I didn't know what to say anymore, I was always the one who told the truth around the house.

Because of her condition, Ivory had a condition that let her tell the truth. She never got in trouble and I need to tell the truth. " Well, " said dad and I took a deep breath. I looked at Evan, and I turned back to my family with serious expression on my face. " I am Ivory to answered your question. I am Ivory, the twin sister of Violet and I am sorry I kept this from all of you except for Evan. He also found out today, who I am, " I answered their question, they were shocked and my older siblings gasped.

I know I had to tell the truth and I needed them to know. I made a good choice but I know the what gonna what happened if I didn't tell them. I felt good telling them the truth. " But I need your help with something, " I said and they looked at me. " What is it? " asked papa. " I need a plan to stop Ṿ̴̋́̚i̴͍̼̹͜͠ŗ̵̳̗̝͐̈́̇u̷̖̖͚̪̓̀s̴̱̼͕̉̑͛ţ̵̺̻̦̈́̀r̷̗̞̫̳̔̏̂͜a̸̜̝͎̗̓p̴̥̹͍͇͆̐͑̆̈́ ! " 

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