Chapter 10 : The pure soul

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Gregory's POV :

" Mom never told you, I always had heterochromia, dad. Don't you remember, " I said, and he shook his head. " I always saw you have two golden yellow eyes, not one golden yellow eye and icy green eye before. Unless, you had other ability that, made your eye look like the same color, " dad said, and I was very confused. " Or unless, you could, no you can't be it, maybe your mother is right " mumbled dad, " I can't be what, dad, " I said. He took a deep breath, " When you found that rose, your left eye turned to the color icy green. And your blood isn't red like regular blood, it's glowing white. That's means you are the pure soul, this whole time and your mother was right. I think you need to get ready for training, " he said and he left the room. " I am so dead after the training, " I said to myself.

But I still had the rose in my hands. Then the rose turned into a necklace. I put it on my neck, and I wondering how did it do that.

So I decided to study the powers of the pure soul, and I still have the bite mark from Evan. I went to the library of the house, I looked for the legends section. It took me awhile to find it, when I did, I moved the ladder to the legend section. Then I climbed the ladder and I looked at the named of each legend that started with p. Then I found it, and I took the book. " Oh what are you doing up there? " said Evan, and I screamed then fell and I have the book in hands. I spread my wings, to stop from falling . " Evan, why did sacred me like that? " I gritted my teeth.

 " Evan, why did sacred me like that? " I gritted my teeth

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I landed in behind of him. " Next time, don't sacred me when I am on the ladder, " I said and I scoffed. I went to my room to learn about the pure soul. I opened the book and there were a lot of contents on the table of content. I decided to skip to the part about the pure soul. Then started to read it.

The legend of the Pure soul.

The pure soul is known for it's powers and kind personality. They were always born half-alive. They can reincarnate as many time as wanted. They are the balance of the Earth, without them. The world will be fill with pain, warfare, agony and death. But with the pure souls to balance the world, there is less warfare, pain and agony. Pure souls are always wear these rose necklace that help them control their abilities. But only the pure souls can use their own crystal roses, no one else. If someone tried to use the pure souls' rose's power. They will killed themselves and the rose go back to their original owner.

But over time, people who were greedy wanted the pure souls' roses. But the pure souls had a plan to get rid of the selfish and greedy people. They created a darkside to all of the pure souls. The darksides of each pure souls will kill or hurt the selfish and greedy people from taking the roses. But it's only created warfare, and the humans and the pure souls fought each other for 400 years. 

But the pure souls started to lose the war. When the humans realized the pure souls were dying, and there was only two left. The other two pure souls flee from the human world and made a prophecy. A prophecy of a pure soul and a broken bloodlust vengeful. The prophecy said that two broken souls will balance the world and get rid of great evil. This prophecy will be fill in, in a world where there is only one pure soul left. Then there will be other great evil, who want the pure soul's roses for themselves. But only the pure soul and Bloodlust soul are the only one to stop the great evil named V̵̢̭̮͒̉̈́̈́i̷̜͈̭̓̑͘ŕ̶̹̲̥̽̄̉͑ú̶̳̱͇̇̅̆s̸̢̨͊͋t̸̩̟͔͓̘̥̹̓̽̓̉̓̒̋r̵̲͎̻͕̬͖͋̕a̴̪̗͍͍͔̱͉͑p̴̗̥͉̳͓̼͎̃̄͘͝.

Soon, this prophecy will be fill in. This the legend of the pure souls, they were the world balance and peacemakers of the world. But now there is only one left in the world.

After I finished reading the legend. I didn't know there was more like me but they are all dead. I am the only pure soul left . People back then wanted our rose, and I glance at my rose necklace. This the last of the roses of the pure soul, and my dad protected it until I was old enough to use it. I closed the book and put it on my bookshelf. I got up from my desk and went downstairs because dad was calling me for dinner. When I got down, everyone is there. I sat down and ate my food.

After dinner, Evan caught up with me. " Hey darling, so how was your book? " Evan asked, " Good, I thought you were going soon, " I said sarcastically. " Oh, my family said I have to stay here a little longer than expected. But I will be here for few more months, " he said. To be honest, I wasn't surprise. " Oh, ok, " I said and I went outside. 

I was thinking about the prophecy about me and Evan. I don't know how to process this, I guess that my future. " Why me out of all? " I asked to myself. " You had that when you were 9 years old, " said a voice in my head. I knew that voice in my head for very long time. I knew it since I was 7 years old. " It's nice to heard you, Violet, " I said to the voice in my head. Violet was one of the two pure souls before she died. She was the one who made the prophecy, " Well, I need to go because your boyfriend is coming, " she said, and I blushed when Evan came. Then Violet went back to sleep. " Oh your dad said he want you to start training tomorrow morning, darling~" said Evan with wink, and I blushed harder. 

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