Chapter 16 : A family day out

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Tw : Light smut

Gregory's POV :

I think this time I will wear a skirt. But I like wearing the long skirt. So I pick a red long skirt and black shirt with rose imprinted on it.

 So I pick a red long skirt and black shirt with rose imprinted on it

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I adjusted my binder, put the shirt on, and wore the skirt, then put on the jacket like to wear

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I adjusted my binder, put the shirt on, and wore the skirt, then put on the jacket like to wear. I went downstairs and saw the rest of my family. They were shocked to see me in a skirt and Evan blushed really hard. " So, whatcha' think? " I asked to them. " You look amazing, darling " said Evan and I blushed. I sat down at the table to eat breakfast.

After breakfast, I went to the library because I wanted to avoid Evan. Because he was being F*CKING PERVERT AT BREAKFAST!!!!!! I wanted to stay away from him but he, of course found me at the library. " Hello Darling~ what are you doing~ " he purred, and I sorting out the books. " Nothing, much but sorting out the books of the library, " I answered cheerfully. He grabbed my wrist and spun me around. My skirt went flying a bit and he put his other arm around my waist. I dropped the book I was holding and I look into Evan's eyes, he look into mine. Then he let go of my wrist and he lifted up my chin.

" Hmm, your dad said we are going to town today. But before we goes I want to do this, " he said and he kissed me. I was wide eyed at first, but I kissed back like always do. We kissed for 1 minute and Evan broke the kiss. I was panting, and I felt his lip kissing my neck. I moaned softly, and Evan started to bite my neck. Then he kept biting until he found my sweet spot. Which is where the mark, that Evan bit. Then he used his fangs to bite into my skin and I felt the blood trickled down my neck. I moaned a bit louder, and he bite harder. More of my blood trickled down my neck. Then he licked it and it tickled a bit. 

" Your blood tasted sweet, my darling~ " he said in seductive voice and I blushed. We left the library and went to town.

We went to the Mega Pizzaplex first, to see mom. When we got to the atrium, mom was in her human form. I went to up to her, first. " Hey mom, " I said to her and she turned around. She saw me, " You look beautiful, Georgia, " she said, my deadname in a long time. " I know, you don't like using your deadname but you really look beautiful, Gregory, " she said with a smiled. I was happy, " Oh the reason, we came is that, um, my older siblings, they came back, " I said, and I saw mom had tears in her eyes. I moved aside and she saw my older siblings. She hugged them tight, and both of my fathers joined, while I watched in the distance. I was about to walk away, then mom called me. " Gregory, come on you are also family, " she said, and I run up to them. I hugged them.

After the family hug, me and Evan went to walk around the place. But I haven't seen the Glamrocks in the 2 months, because I was hanging out with mom a lot. And we went to Rockstar row, and we saw all the Glamrocks talking to each other about things. I looked at Evan, and he nodded. We went behind them, " Hey guys, " I said in cheerfully voice, and they turned around. " Gregory, you look different! " they all said and I nodded. " So, kid, do you have Girlfriend or Boyfriend, yet? " asked Monty and Roxy. " Actually, I do have a boyfriend, " I said and they were shocked. MJ was more shocked than ever, " Who is this boy? " MJ asked and Evan got a little sacred. I gestured Evan come here, and he came, " He is my boyfriend, who is also the person I am arranged marriage with, " I answered as I cling onto Evan. 

" Evan, you are his boyfriend. But if you break his heart, I will not hesitant to hurt you, " said MJ, and her blindfold came off to show her darkside. Monty went to calm her down and I looked at Evan, he was sacred by her. We talked about my life and they asked about the mark on my mark. When we told them MJ almost tackled Evan. Then we joked, but then they asked why am I wearing a skirt. " Why are you wearing a skirt, are you trans? " they asked, and I looked at ground. " You don't have to tell them, darling, " Evan said, " But I have to, " I said to him.

I turned to them, " I was born as intersex girl since birth, " I answered to them, and they were shocked. " Gregory Evan Rose-Afton wasn't my real full name, it's Georgia Evory Evan Rose-Afton. But when I was 5, I started to turned into a boy. But by the time, I was 8, I almost completely turned into boy. We wanted to change my gender into a boy, but due to a condition I had. The doctors said it's impossible to change my gender. So I wore binder since I was 8, and I cut my hair, change my clothes style, and my name. My name I chose, was Gregory. My full new name is Gregory Evan Rose-Afton, " as I finished explained  to them. They were even more shocked, " Hey Gregory, you know that we are part of LGBTQ+. And we support you, either way, " said Chica and Bonnie ( Yes, Glamrock Bonnie is alive in my main au ). I smiled.

After we left the plex, me and Evan show my family the lake. The same lake where the accident, and the confession that Evan asked me to be his be boyfriend. " This is beautiful lake, " said mom and the plex let her finally leave for once because we are family. " I know, but this is where the accident, " I said, and I started to have flashbacks. But I brushed them off, and the others except for dad and Evan were surprised. " But it's not a big deal, how about we spend some family, together? " I said/asked. Then I felt a familiar presence, it was V̵̟̲̣̤̇i̴̙͖͍͛̄̐̂͊ȑ̸͉̮́̿͒͛̄ǘ̷̡̢̖̥͈͔̹̔̅̇̕͝s̷̪̰̮͎͋̈́̓̓̏̐̕t̷͚̿̽͆̕͝ṟ̷̛͚̔̓́͘a̷̛̮̲̻͙͎̲̜̒͐̄͋̕͝p̶̖̖̖͘͜. 

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