Chapter 4 : We meet again, Darling~

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The next day...

Gregory's POV :

I finished my lunch and dad said he is going on his killing sprees but Evan couldn't make it because he was busying with things. I went outside to the front porch and I was drawing, take guess. Yes, one of my nightmares again but the one where I was drowning in water, this one was more detailed than the last one. But after a few hours, this drawing was more clear, I was holding something and it was glowing. It look like a crystal rose, and it look like I was protect it from someone or something. Then I heard rustling from the trees and bushes but I ignored it because it was the wind. I continued drawing the drawing. Then I shaded it and colored it to get a better quality. It was almost clear- " Whatcha drawing, " said a voice, but familiar voice. I look up and it was Evan, he was wearing his mask on the side of his head, and he wore black jacket and ripped jeans. " None of your business, Evan, " I said with sarcasm. But at least his eyes were glowing red, anymore. 

" How do you know where I live? " I asked and he smirked. " I have my ways, darling~, " he said as he lifted my chin. I got out his grasp, and continued drawing. My drawing was finally finished, " I will say, you are a good artist, " said Evan and I slightly blushed at the compliment. " But I want to ask, why did you draw, angel, " he asked, and I was silent. " I don't want to talk about, but why? " I said to him. He laughed, and I told him to stay here while I put my art stuff away in my room.

I came back outside to see Evan looking at the forest. " Why do you and Michael live in the forest. I mean why do you live at the outskirt? " he asked, and I stand beside him. " My dad thought it was a good idea, because for my safety. And he said to protect me from things that I can't protect myself, " I answered, in a sad tone. " How about we can be friends? " asked Evan and I smiled at him. " Yea, of course. Then I looked at my Faz-watch, " Oh sh*t, my dad will be home soon. I need to cook dinner, " I said with panic in my voice. " I can help with you, darling~ " he said with soft voice. I nodded, and he helped me cook dinner. 

After 30 minutes, dad came home but covered in blood again. " Hey Gregory- Evan, what are yo doing here? " dad asked and Evan explained why he was here. Then dad agreed for him to stay for a bit and then went upstairs to take a shower. " Does he always come home covered in blood? Because he, um.. has the victim's blood, " he sort of stuttered. " Are you a bloodlust vengeful spirit? " I asked and then he avoided my question. " Let's talk about something, " he said to change the subject. Then dad came downstairs, and we ate dinner.

After dinner, I washed the dishes and went to my room. I saw that dad and Evan were doing some bonding time with each other at least. I entered my room, ( A/n : I forget to show you guys Gregory's room look like. So here you go : )

I went to sit on my chair and I took out the drawing I was drawing later

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I went to sit on my chair and I took out the drawing I was drawing later. I was looking at it, and I was thinking, is this the future, or where is this lake? I looked at it more and I heard a knock on my door. I hid my drawing in my secret drawer and I opened the door. Dad was in the doorway, " Hi, you need something? " I asked dad, and he nodded. " Well, I called your grandfather and he said Evan can stay here for one night. Also, he is sleeping in your room tonight, " he said and I went back to my desk. Then Evan came into my room, " I have a few question to ask you, " he said out of the blue. " Just to get to know you better, because you already know the deal. Where I'm supposed to marry you when you are older, " he said, " Okay ask me anything, " I said.

" Okay the first question, what behind your hair? Because the first time I saw you, you had your left eye cover, " he asked, and I remembered what happened at the plex. I moved my streak hair to show him my blind left eye. " Your blind in your left, I didn't mean to asked. I'm sorry, " he apologized. Then I went recover my blind eye but Evan stop me. " I think it look beautiful on you, please don't cover it, " he said and so I didn't. " Next question is what is your full name? " he asked, " Well, it's Gregory Evan Rose-Afton to you, " I answered with confident. " Touché, and the last question, do you have any siblings? " he asked as I sat there in silent.

" Yeah, I did in one point. I had three siblings, their name were Evan, Eliza and Mike, they were older than me. My dad wanted to name my older siblings after his generation, you know what I mean and for me my mom named me after her deceased older brother, Gabriel. He was one of the missing kids, maybe you know him any chances? Because I knew you were vengeful soul, " I answered serious. 

After a few moment of silent, " Yes, I did knew Gabriel. But if your name is Gregory, then why did your mom's brother Gabriel named Gabriel, " asked Evan with confusion. " Oh because Gabriel was his middle ( My au! ) name and Gregory was his first name. But he like bring called Gabriel, so he was Gabriel, " I answered with happy expression. Then we talked for hours about stuff, surprisingly we have a lot in common and then he asked about my blind eye about. But I said I don't want to talk about it, and we talked about other stuff. Until we had to get ready for bed . I went into my bed and Evan slept on the floor with sleeping bag. I lay down and closed my eyes, then I fell asleep. 

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