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Sora POV:

Hi I'm Sora, I am 12 years old and today is my first day of 7th grade which in the uk it's called year 8 . I just moved here to Texas from London. Im a bit scared ngl but maybe this is a chance to start a new chapter of my life


As Sora walked into the school  he felt his stomach was like a life regret of going to school but he was already there and there was no turning back.

Sora POV:

As I walk in I realized that it's really different from schools in the uk but at the same time it's cool.

While walking to my class I bumped into someone, "great Sora it's the first day of school and you already bumped into someone" I thought to myself

"Sorry about that" a girl with blond pigtails said.

"Oh it's alright"

"I'm Alex by the way"

"Oh I'm Sora"

"Sora?...OH your Sora the new kid right?"

"Yea that's me" I said nervously

"Oh well your in my homeroom class, my homeroom teacher couldn't stop talking about you."

"Is a homeroom class like a form room?"

"Huh?...oh yea it is. Well umm come on I'll show you to our class so we aren't late"



As Alex and Sora walk into the classroom Sora can't help but notice a red headed guy at the end of the class looking out the window.

"Hello you must be Sora" says Mrs Jones (Teacher)

Sora turns to his left to look at her, "yup that's me" Sora says nervously

"Well Sora, here in my list it looks like you sit next to Jaxx, the student at the back"
Jaxx please raise your hand so Sora knows where to go.

*Jaxx raises his hand*

*Sora walks to the back of the class and sits down at his desk*

"Hi I'm Jaxx"

"Oh..umm I'm Sora....but you probably already know that" Sora says nervously

*Jaxx and sora chuckle*


Sora POV:

I walk into the lunchroom holding a tray of food hoping to find Alex or Jaxx so I wouldn't have to eat in the restroom.

Luckily I found Alex, she waved at me and gave me a sign to go to her table.

When I arrived at her table I saw that Jaxx and another group of kids where there with them.

"Guys this is Sora" Alex said

"Hello Sora, I'm Charli"

"I'm Levi, and this is my brother Luca"
*Luca waves"

"Hi Sora it's nice to meet you, I'm Light Alex's brother"

"And I'm guessing you already know who Jaxx is since you sat next to him in class this morning" says Alex

"Yup, we'll it's really nice to meet all you"

"Jaxx moves a bit so Sora can sit*

"So Sora tell us a bit about yourself" says Levi

"Oh umm well I was umm born in London, so if I have an accent or I say stuff that doesn't really make sense I'm sorry"

"It's ok Sora, I like your accent" Jaxx says

*I look at Jaxx and smile*

"I went to private school for a while, I like reading, and I have a sister named Stacy.

"Is your sister younger or older than you?" Says Charli

"My sister is a year younger than me"

"Oh that's cool" Charli says


"Oh well lunch is over, I'll see you guys later after school" says Alex

"Ok!" Everyone says


Hello everyone!! I hope you enjoyed the first part, yes I did add Sora a sister in this au 🤭

If you did enjoy the story then I'll try to post more parts soon, I hope you have an amazing Day, Afternoon, Night.


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