Chapter 2

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I silently packed my bags away since it was almost home time I yawned hoping this lesson would just end.

Finally I heard a bell I quickly got up before the teacher could say "the bell doesn't dismiss you I do"

I ran out the door and to the bus stop. Before I went home I promised my parents I'd get groceries.

When I finally arrived I got a shopping kart and brought stupid things that my parents probably don't need but it's their fault for asking me.

It was 9 pm right now I didn't notice that until now I should probably pay for my food and leave.

The cashier wasn't there so I just didn't pa- (jk that didn't actually happen) I waited for the cashier to come so that I can pay and leave this place but he didn't so I just left the money on the counter and left since it was nearly ten.

It was very dark I could barely see the road but I still tried to manage.

I got some sneaky looks from others but I tried to ignore it.

I crossed the road not knowing where I am.

"Where do I go again?" I nervously reminded myself.

Shit, and that's how a 19 year old gets lost in the middle of nowhere.

Then when everything goes wrong the weather man decided to make it rain today. I put my hood up and hoped I wouldn't get a cold I have to do the project with junhan tomorrow.

I decided its best to go to that neighbourhood over there and knock on their door for maybe directions.

I walked towards this pretty nice house and knocked on the door it was a long wait but then they eventually opened the door.

The person who opened the door looks like a high school student like me.

"Umm is everything okay? Do you want to come in?" He asked.

"Umm no and yes if it makes you comfortable" he nodded and moved away so I could come in.

He sat on his couch and patted the space next to him.

Of course I hesitated since I didn't trust him but he seemed friendly so I sat down.

"My name is jooyeon btw" he stated I remembered that name from somewhere but i didn't pay attention to that.

I was about to reply back when a raspy voice was heard.

" jooyeon-ahh what is this noise all about?"

A guy rubbing his eyes appeared and he looked like he just got out of bed.

I didn't really look until he said my name.

"ilsoo, what are you doing here?" To my suprise it was junhan his eyes were all gloomy and tired considering he just woke up.

"Did you invite her over, jooyeon?" He asked.

"Of course he did what did you think I did, break in?" I rolled my eyes playfully.

He just ghosted my existence and gave jooyeon his death glare.

"Don't worry hyung, I invited her over" he gave me and jooyeon an not convinced glare and went back to upstairs .

"Sorry about him he is kinda cold, so I am guessing your name is ilsoo, that's a nice name, so when are you going to leave? not as if I want you to leave because you seem like a nice person but it's just getting late...." jooyeon explained.

"It's okay I'll leave now it stopped raining anyways and I think I remember the way now"

"But it's still dark let me call a taxi"

"Okay only if you want tho" he nodded and called one for me.

I was kinda embarrassed because of the situation I mean I just bumped into Junhan or whatever his name is.

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