Chapter 31 | Second Chance

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We were trailing behind the abnormal as it continued running towards the centre of the formation. I didn't know if it knew we were there or not, or if it was choosing to ignore us, but I was grateful it didn't try to attack.

"I came as fast as I could when I saw the black smoke." Reiner explained, staring at the titan's large body. "Nice ass for an abnormal, you gotta admit."

"What is it with you and asses, Reiner? This time it isn't even a human - it's a titan! It's not physically possible for you to fuck it! You might be an ass man, but show some fucking restraint."

The buff blond started laughing at my vulgarness, whereas Armin's face was serious.

"It's not an abnormal, Reiner! It's a person controlling a titan's body!" He said urgently.

"Wait, what?"

"I'll explain in a second." The blond muttered. "I need to fire off a signal to warn the others." He tried frantically to put a new canister in to his gun, but it seemed to be jammed.

"Come on! Work, you piece of garbage! It's an emergency!" He mumbled, struggling.

We whipped our heads around as a crack sounded behind us to see Jean firing a black flare in to the sky. His amber eyes were narrowed, relieved to see myself and Armin.

"Hey, it's alright - looks like Jean's got you covered." Reiner chuckled, then looked to the right, "Ah man, that's not good. The right wing spotters have suffered too many causalities to carry on."

"Yeah, apparently most of them have been wiped out by a titan ambush." Jean called out. "I don't how how it happened, but it was bad - those SOB's were lighting fast and the spotters didn't have time to react. Whoever left is trying to hold them off, but that means that there's no one on look out duty."

He gave a tired groan, an annoyed look on his face. "Talk about a set back, right? If we don't watch ourselves, we'll all be wiped out."

"Wait..." Armin whispered. "She came from that direction! Does that mean... she could of lead the titans there?"

"Who, her?" Jean questioned. "Why the hell is she running away from us, by the way. Is she an abnormal?"

"No, she isn't." I stated grimly. "She's a human in titan form. She's like Eren."

"Please say you're not serious." Jean groaned, wiping a hand down his face.

"Really? Why do you think that?" Reiner asked, suddenly curious.

"Titan's don't kill people for no reason - their aim is to eat us, and sure they kill us in the process but that's not their intent. This one was different - she killed Ness and his friend when they tried to kill her, and left their bodies behind. She didn't even try to eat them, she just moved on; that's out of character, even for an abnormal." I explained, and the boys watched me in horror as I continued.

"I think she brought the titan's that took out the right wing here, just like the Colossal and Armored titans when they struck. She's not just satisfying blood lust, she has it out for us in particular. Actually, I think she's after someone in particular." Armin nodded to me. "Something Y/n said earlier clued me in. She checked who Y/n and I were, which means she's looking for someone, and my money's on Eren."

"Eren?" Reiner asked. "He's with the Levi squad - they're supposed to be spearheading the right wing. Or at least, they were."

Jean started talking hesitantly. "I'm pretty sure you're wrong, big guy. My copy of the plan had them in the left wing."

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