Chapter 32 | Multiple Flares

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Hi everyone, 

I've been making large edits to earlier chapters, so it would mean the world to me if you could, at this point, go back to chapter one so you can have a better experience with my book, as my writing has much improved now. I hope you oblige and enjoy! I also realized while editing that I used a slur that I did not have the right to reclaim - for that I apologize. This was originally written in 2017, when I wasn't educated, and I apologize sincerely. 


After fighting the Female Titan

Jean's shrill whistles penetrated the silence. We had retreated to a small thicket of trees, taking rest in a clearing in the middle of them. We had been watching flares been fired around us for a while now, unable to respond. All of them were either black or red, leaving us devoid of hope. The thought that a single approaching titan could spell the end of us was making me feel ill.

Reiner was inspecting Armin's gear while I bandaged his head tenderly, not wanting to hurt him. 

"Where'd they get this from? How old's your gear?" Reiner asked, looking at how it crumbled as he fell. Armin's gear had broken the same as mine, and we had gone back to collect the pieces after the now named Female titan had disappeared. While staying on the ground was fatal, being on the ground without ODM gear was plain suicide. I looked up from my task to retrieve another bandage. 

"Don't worry; it came off like it was supposed to, so it didn't break truly. It should still be in decent shape." Armin answered, not looking away from the ground in front of him.

"That's something, then." Jean sighed. "We're still down a horse though - not an ideal situation. We can't get moving until my ride shows up."

I started gently wrapping the new bandage around Armin's head, the throb in my side getting worse as time passed. It worried me to think about how bad it could get if we met any more titans and I was thrown around again.

"If push comes to shove, we could always ride Jean back." I deadpanned with a small smile. 

Reiner glanced at me, slightly frustrated. Usually he would have laughed at horse joke, but now he couldn't bring himself to laugh. "How can you joke in this situation?"

"I'm not sure." I sighed dramatically. "I'm just trying to stop everyone from getting too depressed. I'm sure you're as aware as me that this isn't exactly a great situation, so I'm just trying to lighten the mood."

Despite my light-hearted tone, I couldn't strop the tremor of worry from escaping into my voice. 

Only one horse, for four people. Two of us would need to stay behind. Armin's injured but he's a brilliant strategist, and I refuse to let him die. Reiner is too big to ride with somebody else, but he's a terribly skilled soldier. Jean is incredible with his ODM gear, and I'm more badly injured with anyone, and not worth saving. I'll stay here. 

I finished wrapping the bandage around Armin's head, setting the remaining strips of cloth on the ground where Armin was currently staring. 

"Alright Ar, I'm done." I announced, but got not reply.  Armin stared at the ground.

"Armin?" I repeated worriedly. "Are you with me?"

With a small gasp, the blonde lurched backwards, apologizing quietly. 

"I guess your heads still pretty shaken up, huh?" I asked concernedly. I reached down to place my hands on his shoulders, squeezing them gently. 

"Um, it might still be a little foggy, yeah." He stuttered. 

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