Chapter 17 | Plans And Cannons

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In the arena, surrounded by soldiers

My arm was around Eren's back supporting him up, while Armin had his hand on Eren's shoulder protectively. We were kneeling in the dirt, clothes covered in dust whilst Mikasa stood in front of us, sword drawn and glinting dangerously in the sun, the look in her eyes even making me nervous, so I could imagine how the Garrison soldiers in front of us would be feeling.

Eren seemed to be stirring, eyes moving under his closed lids, his body tensing up.

"Damn you... damn you!" Eren muttered, and my eyes widened in shock. "This isn't your world; not anymore. I'll kill every last one of you... get up! Let me kill you again! And again!"

"Eren, shut the fuck up!" I whispered urgently, hoping he would hear me, but he only smiled. He was talking loud enough that I could see the soldiers in front of us react slightly, taking a few steps back.

"You're mine! All of you!" Eren drawled, finally opening his eyes, however he continued talking, a sickly sweet smile on his face. "You're all gonna die" 

Armin's shocked face matched my own.

"Eren." I whispered. "What the actual fuck?"

Eren opened his eyes wider, looked around and gasped. We were on the floor of a huge amphitheater, soldiers littering the tiered stands with their guns pointed straight at us. 

Mikasa whipped her head around upon hearing Eren's gasp. "Is he alright?" She asked, raising her swords.,

"I think so." I replied, looking at him worriedly. 

"Eren! Can you hear me? Listen, you've got to tell them everything - they're terrified but they'll understand!" Armin pleaded, trying to get Eren to focus, however my brother kept looking between the three of us in bewilderment. 

"Armin, what-?" Eren started but was cut off by another man; a solider up in the stands.

"See! Did you hear that! He said we're all gonna die!" He shouted, pointing at Eren.

"There's not much else you can make of that! Son of a bitch wants to eat us! You watch!" Another man yelled out, clearing panicked. 

Eren just stared dumbly, gripping on to me. 

"Eren." I whispered. "Do you remember what happened?" But he couldn't answer, still staring speechless with an intense hold on the fabric of my shirt. 

"Cadets Eren Yeager, Mikasa Ackerman, Y/N Yeager and Armin Arlert!" The captain yelled, standing beside a cannon. "You four have jointly committed an act of high treason! Whether or not a swift execution is necessary rests on you!"

"What?" Eren whispered.

"Any attempt to move from where you stand now, anything the least bit suspicious will be met with cannon fire! Do not test me!" His roars continued, and I felt the hope in me at getting out of this situation fall. The second we got back over the wall, the four of us were corralled into this amphitheater with guns pointed at us the second we walked through the doors. At first I was hoping that this could be talked out, as I knew Eren was harmless, but it seemed like it would be no use. The captain was clearly beside himself with confusion and fear, power drunk and trigger happy. "Answer carefully, Eren Yeager! What are you; human, or titan?"

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