Chapter 5 | Training

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I should also probably mention that reader is afab (assigned female at birth) in this book, however pronouns are a neutral they/them with the occasional mention of she/they for the sake of plot purposes. 


During the character introductions by Shadis

Training was hard. Everything was hard, where exams where to drain yourselves instead of math, and tests were to push yourself to the limit rather than spelling. Life was hard. The only thing that gave us hope was each other. Eren and Mikasa were strong, so I needed to be as well. These were the thoughts in my head, the things causing my emotionless, cold and solemn face as we ran through the rain carrying back packs so heavy that it seemed that they were made of metal. I didn't miss the glances of people around me. I guessed I seemed heartless - so be it

I glanced behind to see how Armin was faring after hearing Shadis yell something at him. Despite starting by my side, throughout the next few hours he had progressively fallen further and further behind until he urged me to carry on without him. It was only due to the pained strain in his voice and the embarrassment buried underneath his tight grimace that had convinced me to do as he wished. I didn't want to make him feel any worse. I could see now he wasn't doing well, as Reiner had seized the pack he was wearing and was carrying it for him.

As I was watching however, Armin grabbed his pack back from Reiner and with newfound strength, powered forward. I smiled softly.

"Keep going." I murmured. "Keep going."

Armin glanced up suddenly, his foggy eyes moving from the muddy ground below to meet my gaze, and we locked eyes, both of us reluctant to look away.

Armin's cheeks flushed as I shot him a proud smile, my own cheeks reddening, although it was hard to tell due to the rain, mud and wind making my entire face flush bright scarlet, a white circle around my mouth.

Ew, I probably look gross.

However, despite the layer of sweat and rainwater covering Armin's face, his hair sopping wet and matter to his forehead, and a bright red face that could rival mine, I felt my heart constrict and fall in to my stomach at the sight of him. My eyes found no imperfections, only him.

I slowed my pace, falling back a little to match his strides in order to end up by his side. His chest was heaving, blonde locks plastered to his damp forehead. His arms and legs were shaking yet he still managed to strive forward.

"You're doing good." I muttered quickly, trying to get air into my lungs yet encourage my best friend at the same time. I offered a weak smile, thinking better than to nudge him playfully like I normally would in case he fell.

Armin simply gave a weak nod, unable to talk due to the lack of oxygen he was receiving. We ran for another hour in the rain, the cold cutting through my skin. My hands turned pale and clammy from heaving my pack further up my back, my face burning and stinging from the heat radiating from my body meeting the cold rain - I felt as though I would start steaming like a titan. It was almost twice a minute that I considered giving up, sinking to the ground and refusing to get up again; I was so exhausted, but I knew I had to keep going. This would make me stronger. 

When Armin slowed down, I slowed down as well, not wanting to leave him. At one stage, when Shadis was preoccupied with yelling at Hannah who had stopped running, and at Franz, who had also stopped to help her, I grabbed Armin's hand and pulled him forward so Shadis wouldn't pick on him for being so far behind in the group.

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