Chapter 20 | Losing Control

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Ignore my cringe-y references to A Slap On Titan 


Running along the wall

"Let's get this straight, right now." Ian Dietrich said. He was the leader of our group of 6; Ian, Mitabi, Rico, Mikasa, Eren, and myself, Ian himself being one of the Garrison's highest ranked soldiers. "Eren, all I care about is getting that rock in place. Can we count on you to do that?"

"Yes sir, I won't let you down!" Eren replied eagerly. His enthusiasm made me feel slightly better about the situation, however I couldn't help but still feel anxious. 

What if something goes wrong...

"You're absolutely sure you'll be okay to do this?" Mikasa asked anxiously, checking on him once more. 

"I got it!" Eren answered firmly.

"Do you?" She asked again, and Eren snapped back, frustrated again. He really did have a short fuse.

"How many time do I have to say it?" He yelled angrily. "Just do your job and I'll do mine!"

"We have no choice but to trust in his determination, Mikasa." I told her. "If he says he'll do it, he'll do it. I have no doubt that Eren can seal the gap, my main concern is him losing control when he transforms; we have no idea what will happen. If he wasn't aware and in control last time..."

Eren glared at me. "That won't happen, dammit!" I could see in his eyes his fear - he didn't know himself. I met his gaze evenly. 

"If it does, we can take care of it." I reassured, and he shrugged off my response. 

"Now's not the time to be playing house, cadets." Rico grumbled, appearing behind Eren. Her eyes were narrowed behind her glasses. Clearly she wasn't happy to be babysitting us. 

"It isn't like that!" Eren insisted.

"I'm gonna say what we're all thinking here." Mitabi admitted. "The fact that the fate of man kind depends on that hormonal little brat like you doesn't make me hopeful." Rico nodded and Mikasa scoffed, while I burst out laughing.

"All of you, stop it now!" Ian ordered, and I shut up. "We're about to be in range with the bolder. I'm not seeing any titans nearby. The decoy strategy must be doing its trick." I looked over to where easily over 50 titans were gathered. 

Armin was right.

I thought that distantly I saw a speck of blonde on the wall but I shook my head and focused on the task at hand. There was plenty of time to fear for Armin's safety later. Right now, I had to be focused. 

"This is the place; let's do it!" Ian called. We jumped off the wall and I switched to my ODM gear, firing my hooks off into a nearby building and using the momentum to throw myself forward, following Eren's lead. Rico fired off a green shot into the orange sky, signaling that the plan was in motion. The sun was setting, orange hue filling the sky. It was beautiful, and with the wind in my hair as I flew over the rooftops, all titans out of view, I could almost forget how awful the situation was.

It was time to shine. It felt like I was flying over the buildings as I watched Eren, waiting for when he would transform. As Eren neared the boulder, he lifted his hand to his mouth and bit down.

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