Chapter 7 | The Colossal Problem

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The Colossal titan appears

All I could hear were screams. Some, or most, were my own. Only moments ago I was scolding Sasha for stealing from the officers pantry, and now I didn't know what was happening. I felt air flying past me, buffeting my body around like a flailing rope, my ears filled with the sound of wind rushing past me. Before another second passed, my instincts kicked in from my 3 years of training and my hands found the controllers at my side, shooting hooks into Wall Rose, and expelling gas so I could land safely with my feet planted on the side. I looked around to see a number of my friends in the same position of me, clinging to the wall like spiders, however they were all fixated on something above us. I gasped and looked up wildly.

The Colossal titan's head loomed over us, and my mind was instantly sent wheeling back to 5 years ago, when his face appeared over the wall surrounding my home. Standing in the centre of the market place, seeing it's gruesome face surveying us like cattle in a pen, it was ingrained in my mind and remained prominent in my nightmares, causing me to wake up in a cold sweat, and here it was again. In the same way as it did back then, the Colossal titan kicked a gaping hole where the gate used to be, sending shockwaves through the wall that felt as though ran all through my body. My body froze and I was filled with debilitating dread and nausea as the memory resurfaced again.

It's happening again... No... It can't be... Please...

My brother was not the same, however. Eren was speeding towards the titan, a trail of gas behind him, his angry yells filling the air spewing all the promises he made that day 5 years ago.

"Idiot!" I yelled and used my gear to swing up and around after him, nausea forgotten at the thought of losing Eren to his own rage induced stupidity. "You fucking idiot!"

With a gasp, I saw the Colossal titan bring it's giant arm swinging around, roughly swatting the cannons situated on top of the wall flying into the air behind us.

It has intelligence? Oh shit...

"Get away Eren!" I screamed. Dust filled my lungs and I coughed harshly while rubble from the wall and cannons covered the city below.

He didn't listen. I landed like a cat on the now destroyed wall's surface and watched in anticipation. I lost sight of him as he managed to get behind the titan's head, however before I could see anything else, a humongous gust of hot steam billowed out from the Colossal titan, sending me flying again however my hooks kept me from moving too far, however the heat was almost overwhelming. When I gingerly opened my eyes a few seconds later, the Titan was gone, and Eren was left in open air, bewildered.

"The fuck is this bullshit?" I cried out, a horrible sort of desperation building up in my chest. Now that the titan had disappeared, more trainees crawled back on top of the wall, some looking for where the Colossal titan could've disappeared to - it was like it vanished into thin air. 

I heard a loud cry for my fellow trainees and I to regroup, so I started walking towards where Connie was crouching near some other cadets, obviously freaking out. I put a reassuring hand on his shaking form, however I knew it would do no good. What comfort could possibly be brought to a someone in a situation like this. All those years ago, we were just children, with adults and soldiers to guide and protect us. Now, we were them. I heard the sound of clanking gear a little ways behind me, and when I turned I saw my brother dusting off his shirt, looking with increasing frustration at the place where the Colossal titan had just been.

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