Chapter 21 | The Battle For Trost

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The battle

A terrified cry brought my attention to the scene playing out behind me. I whipped my head around to see a soldier I didn't know in a titan's grip, slowly being lifted it to it's mouth, it's jaws open wide, blood stained teeth awaiting it's next meal. I turned and fired my hooks in to the building behind the titan, throwing myself off the roof. I swung around until I was almost directly behind it's giant head, and then fired my hooks once more in to it's neck, flying forward with the new momentum to cut out it's nape. The titan relinquished it's grip on the solider and dropped him to the ground like a rag doll. The soldier fell with a cry, and when he met the ground with a heavy thud, he lay there shaking.

I landed a few meters from him and ran to his side, checking him over. He had no serious injuries, only some scrapes and bruises from the fall.

"Get up!" I ordered, shaking him. The solider blinked a few times before looking up at me, still quivering. I noticed the emblem of the garrison on his jacket, and I registered that he must've been someone who had chosen it thinking he wouldn't have to face anything too dangerous in his future. And from the looks of it, he was young as well; he might've only just joined.

"If you're okay, then get up and keep fighting! If not, retreat to the wall! There's no time to waste!" I insisted, giving him a last firm shake before turning and taking off again, flying up to the rooftops.

From my new perch, I could see the city overwhelmed with titans. Even despite all the beasts gathered around the base of the wall, there were still far too many to deal with. It felt impossible with the constant inflow of titans pouring into the city from the breach.

No, I should be grateful for Armin's plan. If not for it, this situation would be far worse.

I heard a familiar voice somewhere to my right, and turned to see Connie. He was crying out in terror as a seven metre titan chased after him, stumbling stupidly.

"Connie!" I called out, panicked. Without a second thought, I jumped off the roof in his direction, flying right past the titans face. Time seemed to slow down as I saw it's gaze shift from Connie to myself, and I had no time to register as the titan started chasing after me instead. There was no time to glance behind me to see how far away it was, or how fast it was advancing on me. All there was to do was to continue flying away and pray that it failed to catch me.

"Y/n!" Connie shouted out in warning, and the next thing I knew, I was snatched out of midair. The grip was intense, squeezing my stomach and hips, and I regretted having eaten that day as I felt nausea rise in my throat.

God, I wish I had starved more as an orphan.

My thighs were on fire, and I choked back a scream of pain.

You need to calm down. You need to think. I am not dying here. I promised him I'd be okay.

I realized that my arms were still free, and I still had my sword in hand. Through my panic, I reached down, and with both hands dragged my sword through the titans wrist. Mere metres away from the titans open mouth, I fell, only now escaping from it's blood-smeared fingers. As I fell through open air, I expected to meet the harsh ground, however I was almost immediately scooped in to someone's arms.

"Are you okay, Y/n?" The person asked, and I immediately recognized their caring voice.

"Marco!" I gasped. He landed on the closest roof and set me down gently, hands on my shoulders.

"Are you okay?" He asked again, and I nodded, giving him a tight hug.

"Thank you!" I said gratefully, pulling away. "I wasn't looking forward to that landing."

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