Chapter 27 | Joining The Scouts

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Making our choice

We were all gathered in front of the blackboard, waiting for something to happen. Tension was building, myself glancing at the people beside me; particularly Connie and Sasha. After a minute or two, Commander Erwin Smith walked on stage, standing in the middle of the platform and staring out over the sea of faces below him. I heard muffled whispers from the cadets around me, however I wasn't as alarmed at his presence. I had already seen him in action at Eren's trial. Even though I wasn't that startled, his stance was so confident, and expression so cool that it gave me chills. This was a man who had seen almost everything that hell had to offer. 

"Good evening." He began in a booming voice, and everyone fell silent. "I am commander Erwin Smith, captain of the Scout regiment. Today, you will choose your regiment. Let's cut to the chase. The Scouts need you; we need all the warm bodies we can get. After the recent titan attack, you now know first hand what they are capable of, as well as the limits of your own skill. However, the aftermath of this battle has given humanity a new chance for victory - I refer to Eren Yeager. After selflessly risking life and limb, he has proven beyond a doubt his unwavering, selfless loyalty towards our cause. Hope lives within him. Eren has not just helped to deter yet another titan invasion; he has offered a means to determine the means of their origin." 

The whole cohort seemed to gasp as one. 

Oh shit, what else has Eren discovered while he's been gone...

"He has told us that the cellar of Yeager's home in Shinganshina may very well hold a vital secret regarding our enemy. We will form an expedition to find this secret, recover it, and use it to break free from the titans maniacal hundred year grasp forever."

My heart sank to my stomach. 

Wow... we're really going back? Is that even possible anymore?

"Before we can reach the fore mentioned cellar in Shinganshina, another problem must be dealt with; we must first retake Wall Maria. Of course, this is more easier said then done."

Erwin nodded to his colleagues and they revealed a map.

"Now that the gate of Trost has been rendered inaccessible, we will be forced to stage all future operations from the Karanes district further East. Thus, the route we've been establishing these past five years will be completely useless. Over the course of these five years, we have encountered many losses. Losses of almost sixty percent of our members. Sixty percent in five years - that's a horrifying figure. One month from now, we will conduct a recon mission on outside the Walls. Recruits from among your ranks will be expected to take part and I estimate that a third of our ranks will die, and after four years most will be dead. But, those who endure, will be among the most capable soldiers alive. Now, having heard this dismal state of affairs, whoever still wishes to put their life on the line and join us, remain here - but first ask yourself; can you give your heart? Can you give everything you have for humanity? That is all. Those wishing to join other regiments are dismissed." Erwin finished his speech and stood back to watch the terrified faces before him. 

You're joking...

"Commander..." One of his colleagues began nervously. "I think you might have over-intimidated the cadets, sir. None of them are gonna stick around!"

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