Chapter 2 | The Wall

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The invasion

I felt a hand grip my arm and pull harshly, and my head burst through the water. I coughed up the liquid that had gone down my throat, and with my free hand wiped my eyes hastily. Looking around, I saw that my 3 friends were scratched and shaken, all crowded around me. Mikasa and Eren had both lunged from where they had presumably fallen, and plunged in to the river after me, both completely contradicting what they had just been saying about not coming to save me. Even though the water wasn't running fast they had still jumped right in to help me up, hip deep.

"Are you okay?" Eren exclaimed, looking over his shoulder towards the wall. He'd already started running towards where a bunch of people were gathering in the town centre before I could finish my answer.

"Yeah, I'm alright." I huffed, shaken.

Armin reached for my hair without thinking, pulling it out of my face. I shot him a grateful look before rushing after Eren, with Mikasa and Armin quickly following.

We froze once we reached the center of the marketplace, and when I looked up I saw the creature that I knew would haunt my nightmares for years to come. A giant, mottled, skinless face was leering over the top of the wall, it's black calculated eyes staring down at us below. I reached out aimlessly, clutching onto Armin's sleeve and I pulled myself to him, half cowering beside him, my gaze not leaving the titan. I opened my mouth to say something, anything, but before anything could come out, the gate of Shinganshina exploded inwards, sending chunks of rock and debris flying through the air and crashing to the ground. On my side, a couple that had been standing together fearfully where crushed, blood splattering onto the side of my shirt. I couldn't speak, could barely move at the sight of a human life being snuffed out in an instant. As boulders were sent flying into houses around us, chunks of wood and roofing were sent flying as well, hitting even more people as they ran in fear. I fell to my knees, one hand still gripping Armin's jacket, the other hand covering my ear as I squeezed my eyes shut. I couldn't bear to see the sights in front of me, or hear the screams of pain and terror anymore.

No... no...

"This can't be possible..." Armin stuttered, voice shaking. "That wall is 50 metres high... even the tallest titans are only around 15 metres..."

I couldn't believe what was happening. It was only earlier today that Eren had argued to Hannes about being powerless if a titan were to get within the walls, and now...

This can't be happening... this has to be a dream... 

From the hole in the wall, I could see the form of a titan come lumbering through, it's smile wide and sickening.

No no no no no no no... please no...

It was a few seconds later when I felt a tugging on my arm, and I looked up, starting to hyperventilate. 

"Y/n!" Eren yelled, tears in his eyes. "That boulder fell near our house!" He immediately took of sprinting, Mikasa quick to follow him. "Mom's at home!"

I felt my stomach sink, blood running cold. 

"Eren!" I screamed, getting to my feet and making to run after my brother. I glanced behind at Armin who was frozen in horror, torn between going after us and running away.

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