Chapter 6 | You Can't Go

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After Eren's speech when he leaves the room

Eren deftly left the dining hall, tears in his eyes from the emotions overwhelming his senses. I gave a sigh and stood up, walking out after him, Mikasa and Armin already following. Before I left the room, I shot Thomas an annoyed look, as he was he one who started the conversation that got Eren riled up.

We found him sitting outside, looking angrily at the dirt road as it had done something to offend him. I took a seat next to him, putting my arm around him and shooting him a weak smile.

"Quite a speech you gave back there," I said quietly, nudging him. "At least Jean didn't butt in this time with some unwanted remark. He really has a nasty habit of talking out his ass."

Eren scoffed at my remark. 

"Yeah, well, most of it was Armin's, from what he used to say back in the day." He grumbled in reply, pushing up some of the dirt road with the toe of his boot. "And I still don't understand why you defend that horse face when he does things like that."

"Don't say that like it's a bad thing," I half heartedly scolded, joining in and starting to kick the dirt as well, pushing it in to the pile Eren was making. "And it's cuz he's my friend, plus I understand where he's coming from in a way. What he says about wanting to live a cushy life in the interior, I understand craving that safety. Living a noble life in the walls just isn't for everyone, especially when you know what lays beyond."

Eren rolled his eyes, and I nudged him again. "Some people are so taken over by their fear of the unknown; the fear of death and loss, that they refuse to even consider fighting back. Humanities track record isn't likely to inspire courage in those too overwhelmed by that fear. He doesn't get it, but we do, Eren. As long as there is one person fighting back against the titans, humanity is not lost. Even though the odds are great, as long are there are people willing to fight against those odds, there's still hope."

Armin gave a small start, raising his head from where he was busying himself with the hem of his shirt. "I'm joining the Scout Regiment too." He spoke determinedly.

Eren gasped, shocked at his announcement, although it didn't come as much as a surprise to me. We'd been close all our lives, so it was no wonder we'd continue to stick together, although I felt a small twinge of guilt that it was my speech that caused him to decide that second. I knew Armin was brave, but the terror of losing him in such a horrible fight where death was common was almost too much to bare. 

"You're being stupid, Armin!" He yelled, bewildered. "Come on, you're not a fighter; your life is with books!"

"Fuck off, Eren." I murmured, annoyed at him trying to decide Armin's future for him, although I found the selfish part of myself agreeing with him. Armin was many things, but his weapons weren't physical entities; it was his intellect. 

"I'm through with letting other people fight for me!" Armin argued defensively, voice almost pleading while still remaining soft.

"Well then, I guess it's official. I'm joining the Survey Corp with you." I announced, leaning backwards and resting my weight on the heels of my hands.

"What?" Eren thundered. "You can't go, idiot! I thought you were against me going?"

"I was only against you going because I just know that you'll wind up doing something stupid and nearly dying, but if you're 110% set on it still, then I'm coming with to to prevent you from doing something stupid." I argued back. "I feel the same as you Eren, about wanting to change things for the better. I'm just not as loud about it."

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